Title: Redemption: A Guardian Angel Romance
Series: Guardians #4
Author: Sharon Hamilton
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: July 21, 2020


Former Dark Angel Joshua Brandon has skirted a forever un-death in the Underworld until his heart yanks him from his life of debauchery and back into the Human World. He has accepted a very stealth assignment from the man upstairs to perhaps obtain those white wings he’s never wanted until now.

But it will require him turning back to the dark side. And just after his promise is made, the only woman he’s ever loved comes back into his life. She is in desperate need of saving. But as a Dark Angel, the only thing he can do is claim her soul for his own in the Underworld.

Will he have to throw away any hope of redemption, in order to save her?

Book 4 in this popular series about Guardian Angels, Dark Angels, the healing power of love, and good vs. evil. Although, evil can be more fun!

Remember, in this world: Heaven is created by design. The Underworld is created by accident.

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Melanie Worthington followed behind the slender newspaper reporter who had sponsored her trip. He’d written an article about Joshua Brandon, the legendary art collector and agent to aging rock star painters which piqued her interest. Joshua had been her lover, once. His dark angel wings had been transformed and clipped off by the man in the clouds, so they could spend the rest of their lives together and live in her human world.
Except that didn’t work out. The ache of missing him had not subsided, as she’d told herself over and over again while she was leaving him. She suspected he’d lost interest in her, and had been told of his infidelities.
Melanie knew he wasn’t perfect when she met him. But of course that also was because he was a dark angel then. Just thinking about his fingers on her burning flesh made her blood warm, her heart beat wildly and her panties to moisten. Still today. It was just as strong as in those heady days when he introduced her to his world of sex, flying through the night sky and all the other interesting places and people he knew about. And she’d nearly sacrificed herself to save him, too.
I could have spent eternity as a Guardian. Father had told her so.
But the miracle that had been bestowed upon them both didn’t last. He’d broken her heart. The cavern of her soul, even though he no longer had those dark angel powers, still left her wanting what she had thrown away.
So, Naveen Broadchurch brought her to this junction. To this place, so dangerously close to where she’d been told Joshua now lived.
“You are sure the passes will be accepted, Naveen?”

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Author Bio

S. HAMIL, Sharon Hamilton’s twisted sister, writes paranormal romance with a central theme of the healing power of true love. Her characters from multiple worlds including Heaven and the Underworld are angels, dark angels, vampires and some who are not quite sure what they are. They follow a bumpy path to redemption, but not exactly what they taught you in Sunday School!

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