Title: Infallible
Series: Serendipity #3
Author: Charlene Namdhari
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: June 17, 2021
"Sometimes the wrong choices take us to the right places."
My Past:
I was eighteen when I first gave away my heart. A love so profound, I didn't understand it.
My Present:
I never had to prove she was mine until he makes an appearance. Tall, dark, and older.
My Future:
Should I walk away and not look back or stay and this time, let destiny guide my heart.
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Born and raised in the coastal city of Durban, South Africa, she now lives in the City of Gold, Johannesburg. Charlene’s days are an energetic mixture of a full time job, a wife and mom to two beautiful teenagers and four dogs. She holds a law degree and is a passionate events manager.
Charlene enjoys travelling, a Mediterranean cruise being her most recent venture. She hopes to retire to a beautiful seaside cottage where she can spend lazy days on the beach drinking cocktails and focus all her energy on writing. She is of the firm opinion that one should not give up on a dream but rather make every attempt to get there no matter how long it takes.
Her love for writing stemmed from an avid interest in English at School, more so Literature and enjoyed writing short stories. She attempted her first full length novel fifteen years ago and although she loved the finish product decided she’d write mainly as a hobby and only recently sought publishing.
Believing writing is the wings to holistic escapism, she makes the time in her busy schedule giving life to her dreams of bringing together passion filled heroes and heroines in a happily ever after.
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