Title: Coming To (An LA Lovers Book) 
Author: Jourdyn Kelly 
Genre: New adult Lesbian Romance 
Release Date: July 15, 2020 

Two young lovers, brutally torn apart just as they found their way to each other. Will their budding love be enough to overcome the pain of the past and the challenges of the future?
Dani Reed was an outsider. She was no stranger to being different and had been bullied most of her life for it. After the loss of her father, the only person in Dani's life that made her feel loved was the one person she thought she could never have. Her best friend Claire.
Claire Oliver was popular, smart . . . and miserable. Seeing her best friend Dani bullied every day, Claire never dared to be open and carefree. However, Claire's growing feelings for Dani made it impossible to keep pretending. A moment of love, clarity, and bravery lead the two down a path neither could have imagined or prepared for.
Two years after being forced apart, the young women find their way back to each other against all the odds. But so much had changed. Has the separation strengthened their bond? Or has their love been irrevocably damaged?

Available in Kindle Unlimited


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I’ve been in Houston, Texas, writing novels and designing websites since 2009. Moving here was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, because I’ve been able to live wonderfully, and write my heart out. I’ve always enjoyed the arts in one form or another. Music sets the mood, reading stimulates my brain, and writing allows me to utilize my imagination in any way I want. I’ve been writing stories since I was a teen, and figured out writing was my passion when I finished my first novel, Something About Eve. I love being captivated by books that lead me into different, exotic places, and through impossible scenarios. I love being able to become someone else for a time. Reading has always inspired me to bring my own characters out to play. My hope is that my writing will inspire others, or at the least, give them a way to escape from everyday life for a little while. I spend my time writing, training for and competing in triathlons, and caring for what is really a zoo with 5 dogs, 2 cats, a bearded dragon, 2 frogs, 2 turtles, fish, and an axolotl. I love bringing my characters out for everyone to meet. My goal is to keep writing in many different genres, as I feel there shouldn't be anything limiting writers.


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