Cowgirl Up and Ride, a heat-filled, grumpy-sunshine, age-gap, small town romance full of steam from New York Times bestselling author Lorelei James is available now!

A no-strings-attached arrangement should've been easy. But he can't seem to stay away from her.

AJ Foster has loved Cord McKay her entire life. From the moment he'd rescued her after falling off her horse, she’d imagined the tall dark and handsome man as her very own prince charming. But even now that she’s an adult, past pigtails and ponies, her sexy, grumpy neighbor ignores her. 


Divorced rancher Cord McKay is committed to two things: his young son and the family ranch. He has no time for women—especially not his little sister’s best friend who has grown into the definition of female temptation. Besides, the thirteen-year age difference between them means he’s too old for her . . . right? 


But one reckless night, AJ suggests a secret summer fling and Cord can't resist, as long as she abides by one rule: he’s in charge. Nothing could have prepared innocent AJ for the dirty-talking, growly cowboy whose hidden sweetness is as addictive as his expert touch. 


As the summer ends, stubborn Cord believes he can withstand AJ’s efforts to break through his defenses, but AJ is determined to win the single dad’s heart no matter what it takes.

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“Man, that’s harsh. You tellin’ me you wouldn’t make time if someone came along?”

  Cord’s beer stopped halfway to his mouth. His attention wandered to a woman swinging her hips on the dance floor.

  Oh yeah. He’d make time for her in a fucking heartbeat.

  Holy hell. Her legs went on forever. His gaze started at the heels of her high-heeled silver boots, gradually traveling up along the sexy line of those shapely legs, ending at her luscious ass barely hidden beneath an extremely short denim skirt. When her dance partner twirled her, Cord caught a glimpse of bright red bikini panties.

  Lust whomped him in the gut.

  He’d been so busy checking out her ass he hadn’t seen her face. Her backside faced him—not that he was complaining—and a cheap straw cowboy hat covered her head. Her strong, tanned arms slid around the wide shoulders of the lucky cowboy as she sashayed closer to grind her pelvis against his. The cowboy whooped, clamping his hands on her ass in a dirty dancing move that’d make Patrick Swayze jealous.

  It caused a burst of envy in Cord too. Nonchalantly he asked, “Kade, who’s the chick on the dance floor?”

  “Which one?”

  “The one with the never endin’ legs puttin’ on the show in the miniskirt.”

  Kade squinted. “You mean AJ?”

  AJ? Not a familiar name. “Yeah.”

  “She’s quite the dancer, huh?”

  “Sure is.”

  AJ performed a shimmy-shake with her hips, while snaking her arms above her head. The movement caused her tight lace shirt to slide up, exposing the smooth curve of her lower back.

  Cord withheld a groan. Nothing was sexier than that dimpled section of a woman’s back above her ass. Nothing.

  With the exception of those unbelievably hot legs.

  Every wicked undulation of her hips resulted in the fringe on her skirt swishing across the back of her firm thighs. He’d never been jealous of a skirt before now, but he sure as hell was right then.

  “She seein’ the guy she’s dancin’ with?”

  “Mikey? Nah. Not for lack of tryin’ on his part. AJ doesn’t lack for partners.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  “She’s sweet as the day is long. How your sister hasn’t corrupted her is beyond me. She ain’t as wild as Keely, but ain’t for want of volunteers to take her for a walk on the wild side.”

  Walk? Hell, Cord would take her for a ride on the wild side. Binding her mile-long legs around his waist as he drove into her hard and fast. Feeling those slender thighs draped over his shoulders as she rode his face.

  Jesus. Been an ice age since he’d had a woman, especially a buckle bunny cowboy-toy like her—built for speed with curves that’d lead a man straight into temptation.

  Cord nursed his beer, his eyes never straying from her twisting form. Still, something about her seemed…familiar.

  AJ threw back her head and laughed. Her straw hat tumbled to the floor.

  Come on, baby doll, bend over and pick it up.

  She twirled his direction and Cord finally saw her face.

  If his lips weren’t pressed against the beer bottle, his jaw would’ve smacked his knees.

  The blonde sexpot with the killer legs and fantastic ass was none other than little Amy Jo Foster. His astonished gaze zeroed in on the cleavage spilling out of her V-necked blouse.

  Nothing little about her now.

  Talk about degenerate behavior. He’d been ogling his much-younger sister’s best friend. His son’s former babysitter.

  Christ on a crutch.

  Good thing she’d never waltzed into his house dressed like that—a sex kitten on the prowl. He’d’ve been arrested for his lewd thoughts alone. Dammit, why couldn’t he stop wondering whether her nipples were pale pink like her lips or cherry red like her undies?

  Amy Jo’s large silvery-gray eyes met his for a moment. The come-hither smolder she aimed at him nearly knocked him off his damn barstool.

  Where’d she learn that “fuck me now, Big Daddy” stare? She was too damn young.

  She’s old enough.

  And he was old enough to know better.

  Wasn’t he?

  Apparently not.

  Amy Jo shrieked as Mikey lifted her up, gifting Cord with another glimpse of those sexy panties.

  Cord bristled at seeing Amy Jo manhandled. Oh, he’d teach that pup with the roving paws a thing or two about manners.

  Right. You’d love a chance to teach her a thing or two about how a real man would handle her.

  Before Cord’s butt left the chair to rescue her, Amy Jo broke Mikey’s hold and stooped over to retrieve her hat. This time when their eyes met, she licked her lips and smiled seductively. Wantonly. Like she was picturing him buck-assed nekkid in just his damn hat.

  Another wave of lust heated his balls. Then he knew the kiss she’d given him at Carter and Macie’s wedding reception last year hadn’t been a result of too much champagne.

  His brain flashed back to the wedding dance at the Bar 9. The early autumn night held a bite of chill as the evening’s festivities were winding down. Dozens of couples boot-scooted on an improvised dance floor beneath a white tent. He’d drifted off, preferring to drink a Fat Tire beer alone. Amusing himself by watching Ky and a couple of boys chasing giggling girls around in the preschool version of two-stepping.

  A swish of fabric caught his attention. He turned when Amy Jo sidled up, wearing an ankle length dress the color of sunshine, which fit the fresh, clean, sunshiny scent flowing from her.

  He managed a smile. “Amy Jo.”

  “I thought that was you, hiding over here all by your lonesome.”

  “Story of my life.”

  Silence stretched as thorny as the rose bushes lining the walkway.

  Cord shifted his stance. Lately, being around Amy Jo made him feel like a tongue-tied fool. He couldn’t tell her how pretty she looked without sounding like a total letch. He couldn’t mention how goddamn good she smelled without coming across like a deranged bloodhound, or worse—some kind of hopeful horndog.

  When in doubt…“Nice night,” he offered lamely.

  “That it is.” She shivered discreetly. “If a bit chilly.”

  Should he act gentlemanly and offer her his suit coat? Nah. She’d probably think he was an old coot.

  Which he was.

  Dammit. Say something. Anything.

  “You havin’ fun?”

  “Absolutely. Weddings are always fun, aren’t they?”

  Cord bit back a smart retort and swigged his beer.

  “Why aren’t you out there cutting a rug like the rest of your McKay brothers and cousins?”

  With his beer bottle, Cord gestured to Ky and the kids. “Someone’s gotta keep an eye on them so they don’t dunk each other in the stock tank.”

  “Are you always the responsible one?”

  “Yep. I reckon it goes with the territory of bein’ the oldest.”

  “Isn’t just the providence of the oldest child to be forced into responsibility.” She sighed. “Don’t you ever want to…”

  He gave her a strange look. “What?”

  A smile bloomed on her face before it faded. “Never mind. Ky did a great job as ring bearer today.”

  “That he did, besides refusin’ to let go of Callie Morgan’s hand.”

  “Can’t say as I blame him. A cute girl who can rope and ride as well as he can?” Amy Jo’s trill of laughter was as sweet and fleeting as the evening breeze. “Poor boy is smitten.”

  “Seems to be an epidemic in the McKay family of late.” He glanced over to see his brother Colby and his wife Channing slow dancing, as well as the newlywed couple Carter and Macie entwined together, lost to everything but each other. A feeling close to jealousy tightened his stomach.

  Not jealousy. Just indigestion.

  Get a grip, McKay. This happily-ever-after wedding bullshit is addling your brain.

  During his silent bout of self-pity, Amy Jo glided in front of him. Right in front of him. Lord. She was nearly as tall as he was in those ridiculously sexy yellow high heels.

  “Why aren’t you smitten, Cord McKay?”

  Cord had nothing to say to that. He studied her, half-wary, half-curious about her intentions.

  “You could be smitten with me.” Keeping their gazes locked, she slowly angled forward and kissed him. Just a feather-light press of her soft mouth to his. As his lips were getting with the program, she withdrew slightly, letting their heated breath mingle for a second before she sank her teeth into his bottom lip. She gave a playful tug, followed by a thorough flick of her wet tongue to soothe the sting. “Because I’m definitely smitten with you.” She sauntered toward the tent in a cloud of chiffon and pure temptation.

  Cord remembered licking his lip, realizing she tasted as warm and sweet as autumn sunshine. He’d been too stunned to chase after her, chalking up the teasing kiss and challenging words to booze and the party atmosphere.

  He hadn’t thought about it again until now. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t seen Amy Jo since she’d moved to Denver last year to attend massage therapy school with his sister. His mother kept him updated on Keely’s exploits, which usually included tidbits on Amy Jo and her family.

For more information on Lorelei James’s books and where to contact her, visit her website:


This book was so beautiful and it just tugged you into the romance and the countryside. I loved this book and you do not have to read the others to read this one. At least I didn't feel like you had to. AJ and Cord have known each other for years as his sister's best friend and she was his son's babysitter at one point. Now AJ is grown up and Cord feels the attraction, but she's young and he knows better. AJ has been through some stuff and is such a beautiful soul in this story. She has always known that Cord is the one for her no matter the age difference. Can these two see themselves in more than a friendship or acquaintance view? Also in this story, you will read about another member of the Cords family. There are a few POVs in this book which was a surprise.


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