Title: Infernal Strings of Destiny Author: Jannat Bhat Genre: Fantasy Romanc e Tropes: Grumpy/Sunshine, Star Crossed Lovers Workplace Romance Release Date: February 15, 2025 BLURB A curse spanning centuries. A love doomed to end in tragedy. A TWISTED game of light and dark. Zayn was the bane of Kavya's existence. Mishaps occurred every time they came within an arm's distance. Viewing Zayn as a handsome loner, she could love him or hate him, but she couldn't ignore him. Kavya was unaware that their encounter would lead her towards a destructive path of destiny. Zayn avoided Kavya's existence like the plague. He was hurling insults to drive her away, but they were both battling against a force beyond their control. He was irresistibly attracted to her, unaware that he would ultimately lead to her downfall. How much will Zayn and Kavya push themselves before facing the consequences? ADD TO GOODREADS PRE-ORDER LINKS AMAZON US / UK / CA ...