Title: Cocky Caveman A Cocky Hero Club Novel Author: Emma James Genre: Romantic Comedy Release Date: July 31, 2022 Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series. BL URB What happens when an ex-military, cocky musician meets a sassy ex-bounty hunter? Sparks will fly. Tucker Royal was born cocky. Tall, bearded, and rock star handsome, he is only looking to order two coffees to-go when he walks into Peace Café. Instead, Tucker leaves with a pocket-rocket spitfire in his arms, returning her safely to Temecula wine country after their meet-cute takes a turn for the worse. Ophelia doesn’t date. She’s in a committed relationship, working on herself and her soon-to-be-open tiny house Airbnb business, the Fainting Goat Ranch. Tucker wants a date. There is a non-date in their future—which in no way gets classified as a date—an ambush is m