TINK Pre-Order
Title: Tink Series: Devil's Handmaidens MC #1 Author: D.M. Earl Genre: Romantic Suspense/MC Romance/Contemporary Release Date: November 3, 2022 President of the Devil's Handmaidens, Maggie "Tink" Rivers' is hellbent on ridding the world of human trafficking. Between her duties as president of her club and her duties in business, she's in over her head, feeling empty and overwhelmed. But when she meets a former Navy SEAL, everything changes. Relocating to Montana is Ellington Rutledge's fresh start. And the beautiful and fiery president of the female motorcycle club is just the new beginning he's been looking for. As Tink and Ellington grow closer, her past comes back to destroy them. With Tink's life on the line and the club at stake, can Ellington save Tink and the club before it's too late? Devil’s Handmaidens MC is a multi-author world focusing on a badass all-female MC with various chapters/locations writt