scrooging christmas Blog Tour

All she needs is Christmastime.
Until him.

Scrooging Christmas, a hilarious and heartwarming romantic comedy set during the holidays from author Sarah Ready is out now!

What would you do with a Scrooge?

Professional holiday decorator Natalie Fiorre loves tinsel, gingerbread, and the magic of Christmas. She believes there isn’t anything in the world that a dash of Christmas Spirit can’t fix—until she meets Gabe.

Perpetual Scrooge Gabe Cavanaugh loathes candy canes, jingle bells, and all things merry and bright. He believes Christmas is the worst time of year.

So when Miss Christmas and Mr. Scrooge meet, sparks fly.

When Gabe threatens to evict Natalie and her neighbors on Christmas she does what any right-minded Christmas-lover would do...

Natalie has two days to stop the evictions and help Gabe discover the magic of Christmas, but a lot can go wrong in two days, and in Romeo, the soul mate capital, there’s another kind of magic in the air.

A delightfully cheeky rom-com romp through the holidays, Scrooging Christmas is Book Seven in the Soul Mates in Romeo Romance Series by Sarah Ready.

Grab it for only 99 cents before it’s too late!

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Keep reading for a look inside Scrooging Christmas!

“So today we’re going to cut down a Christmas tree and decorate it.”

I shake my head, “No we’re not.”

She stares at me, and I’m pretty certain she’s surprised at my resistance.

The coffee has slowed to a drip, so I take down two mugs and pour the steaming black liquid, enjoying the rich smell. I shove one across the counter toward her and take a long drink of the hot liquid.

“Just like that?” she asks, frowning at me.

“Just like what?”

“No. Just like that?”

I take another sip. It’s good coffee, then say, “Of course. What are you going to do? Make me?”

She pulls the pan off the stove and holds it high in the air. “Here’s the deal. You come Christmas tree cutting with me and you get delicious sausage and pancakes. You don’t…and you get…you get…”

“The lotion?” I ask straight-faced.

Apparently she’s not a fan of horror, because she waves that away.

“No. Last year’s fruitcake. It’s in the cupboard, soaked in rum. And lemme tell you. It’s fluorescent green and goopy brown. There are oozy bits. And when you take it out of the tin, it makes a squishy splooshy noise. Like it’s exhaling.”

I stare at her, appalled at her fruitcake description. Maybe she is a fan of horror. “This is a real thing? A breathing fruitcake?”

“Of course. You should see the one we’re saving from 2012. Actually, maybe I’ll give that one to you.” She shakes the pan at me, the sausage smell drifting over. “You decide. Sausages and pancakes. Or respirating fruitcake.”

“You are diabolical.”

There’s no way she knows that I can only cook two things: toast and microwave meals. And I didn’t see any bread or microwaveables in the pantry. So…am I actually at her mercy?

I consider the pan of sausages, the maple scent drifting across the kitchen. It’s a homey smell, sweet and savory, matching the warm wood cabinets and the butcher block counters. My stomach lets out a growl, reminding me of how hungry I am.

I haven’t eaten since yesterday’s lunch. A microwave noodle bowl that I half-ate while going through emails and making calls.

I weigh the options. Go hungry. Go Christmas. Go hungry. Go Christmas.

“Fine. I’ll kill a tree with you then decorate its carcass in lights and shiny balls.” I take the plate from the counter and hold it out to her, “Serve it up. Even prisoners get two hots and a cot. Something you’ll be learning very soon.”


Totally love Natalie she is just a Christmas-loving woman that is after my own heart. When she's hired to decorate an office she is so excited. When she sees the faces of people who work for Gabe Cavanaugh she knows she did her job right. Gabe hates, hates, hates Christmas he can't stand anything that has to do with it he would rather work. When he walks into his office and sees Christmas cheer he loses his mind and Natalie is the one that gets his wrath. Natalie can't believe this handsome man hates Christmas. And she's not about to put up with it either. Kidnapping is a crime she knows this but she is bound and determined to change Gabe's mind. Well, Gabe has his own plans and it has nothing to do with staying with the crazy holiday lady. Now, these two are about to get more than they bargained for and they will need to decide if they can put things aside and get through their feelings. Can she change his mind? Or will Gabe have her arrested for kidnapping? Loved this story. 

About Sarah Ready

Author Sarah Ready writes contemporary romance and romantic comedy. Her books have been described as “euphoric”, “heartwarming” and “laugh out loud”. Her debut novel The Fall in Love Checklist was hailed as “the unicorn read of 2020”. She loves to write fast-paced, emotionally compelling romances about quirky, smart women and the men who love them.

Before writing romance full-time Sarah had lots of fun teaching at an Ivy League. Then she realized she could have even more fun writing romance. Her favorite things after writing are adventuring and travel. You’ll frequently find her using her degree at a dino dig site, crawling into a cave, snorkeling, or on horseback riding through the jungle – all fodder for her next book. She’s lived in Scotland, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and NYC. She currently lives in the Caribbean with her water-obsessed pup and her awesome family.

You can visit her online at

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