Ruthless REBEL Book Blitz
Title: Ruthless Rebel Series: Ruthless Billionaires #2 Author: Faith Summers Genre: Billionaire Romance Tropes: Enemies to Lovers/Second Chance Marriage of Convenience/He Falls First Release Date: December 4, 2023 BL URB My villain. My monster. My Ruthless Rebel… He’ll do anything to get the empire his grandfather promised him... including marrying me. His ex. To the media Jericho Grayson is an elite billionaire and one of the heirs to the Grayson legacy. To me, he was the rebel. The boy I first gave my heart to. Eight years ago when he broke up with me, it broke me. Imagine my embarrassment when I run into him eight years later when I’m broke, in trouble, trying to make ends meet. He makes me an offer I can’t refuse. Marry him so he can get his empire and I get two million dollars. One year of marriage to my ex. The plan is simple in theory. Except, every time he kisses me it feels real. People say you never forget your first love But falling in love again was never part