MINE Release
Title: Mine Author: Rachael Tamayo Genre: Psychological Thriller Series: A Deadly Sins Novel, 3 Release Date: February 26, 2022 Publisher: Tangled Tree Publishing Cover Designer: BookSmith Design NOW LIVE! Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3obzzu9 All Links: https://books2read.com/deadlysins3 What happens in Vegas just might kill you. When divorcee Justin Gray wakes up next to a beautiful stranger in Vegas on his birthday weekend, he assumes it’s just a drunken mistake. When he discovers that he’s married to said stranger in her early twenties, he insists on an annulment and assumes his life will return to normal once he gets back home. He assumes wrong. As the shapely blonde refuses to give him an annulment and insists the marriage continue, what was a wild weekend turns into a deadly mistake. Murder is only the beginning. Get ready for a tale of greed so twisted you won’t know what’s on the next page or who anyone really is until the… very… last… page. Available no