Dome Wars 1-6

By Lucian Bane
Blog Tour February 9th-20th 2015 

Lucian Bane’s inner Dom is out of control and hungry for things he can’t name. When he signs up for Dom Wars, he meets Tara who is naive to the BDSM world. Her reckless dominance and puritan heart fascinate him. But when he discovers the pain in her past, it unleashes his true Dom within.

Author bio
Welcome to my world
My name is Lucian Bane and I’ve heard from many that I’m the odd one out. But really,  I’m just a Husband, an Author, and a Christian Dom. Ah, maybe that’s the one that makes everybody pause. Oxymoron? Not at all.
As an author, I like to write stories—paranormal erotica and contemporary erotica—about men who honor, cherish, and protect the women they love. But more importantly, I also attempt to make these stories a reality for couples everywhere by teaching them in the form of fiction how to add heat and passion to marriages and relationships that might not have it. Teach them how to build life-long commitments that form strong families, like I have with my own beautiful wife.
I think there are many men like myself, and I hope my writing will be a map for them. A map for women as well, to teach them how to bring out the Dom that exists within the men they call boyfriend or husband.  

As young men, our inner Doms need a master to train them. I once bowed to my inner Dom's reckless and tireless desires, but when I gave myself to God and conformed my will to His, the transformation made me into what I am today. What many would call an Ineffable Dom. But its equal term in the Vanilla world, in my opinion, is simply a real man.

Author Links


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Ruin Book series



Lucian Bane’s Fan Group

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I braced my hand on her ankle, pressing it into the couch as I slid my fingers over her inner thighs. "I'm going to lick you here." I stroked along her open folds, letting my finger dip barely. "Your body tells on you, love. You're so wet. And hot." I barely touched her clit and she gave me my first point. A tiny moan. The first vocalized of very many to come.
"Am I right? Is it hot right here?" Again I whispered my finger over her clit a few times.
She strained against the pleasure and nodded.
"I know love." I teased barely at her entrance. "I'm going to finger you until you're bucking on my hand like a good girl."
She was there. On fire. Ready to listen.
I used my entire hand to softly caress her sex, feeling the exact shape of her. I delivered a sharp smack to the puckered lips and she yelped in surprise. I rubbed it softly, tickling at her clit then sliding down for a tease at her dripping entrance. "Your pussy says you like that." I dipped the tip of my finger in her opening, wetting it. I licked it, and shuddered at how good she tasted. Smelled. "You're fucking delicious baby."
She whimpered and I answered with another firm smack. She arched her back and squirmed, keeping her arms obediently above her head. "I told you I would make you squirm, love. Did you not believe me?" I plunged my finger inside her and she cried out. "Mmm. You're so fucking wet. You hear it?" I jabbed deep and quick then switched to slow sensual, then again to shallow fast. "You're so tight on my finger."
I pulled out, gliding my finger softly over silk to adore her clit with lazy circles, then flicks, making her writhe, moan, and buck her hips. I knelt next to her, needing to taste. The hard tips of her nipples demanded my attention, driving my desire to that reckless point. I smacked her pussy and tended her breasts with dominance, filling my mouth with as much of the firm mound as I could. I sucked then let it slowly glide out to hold it captive between my lips for vigorous flicks of my tongue.
She broke the invisible bond I'd put on her wrists and buried her fingers in my hair. Joy surged through me and I moved to her mouth to lick and kiss. "This is for breaking your bonds, love." I spanked her pussy and consumed the sweet cry she gave in my mouth. "This is for taking so fucking long to break it." I plunged my finger deep inside her.
"Yes. Say it." I rammed my finger against that secret doorway, intent on breaking through. "Say it baby."
All of her control flailed like leaves in an errant wind. "Lucian. Lucian."
"Fuck, baby. I can hear it. I hear all your beautiful secrets in my name. I want them. I want you. All of you. Give me what's fucking mine."
I placed the palm of my hand against her clit putting circular pressure while I continued to unlock paradise from inside. I tasted the passion pouring out of her in rippling unstoppable waves. Hearing her orgasm approach, I lifted my head to watch it, watch as she let it all go for me.
"Lucian! Yes, oh God!"
I watched as my hand and fingers stripped away her control and burst through that prison entrapping her. I kissed her. "Break for me. Come undone baby, I'm here. I'm here, you're safe."
She suddenly pulled me against her, nails raking my skin, and that sweet body arched hard into mine as her orgasm trembled through her with a desperate cry of freedom. In my ear. In my heart. Fucking amazing.
But I was hardly done.

Amazon Links:

Dom Wars Box Set Round 1,2 &3

Dom Wars Box Set Round 4,5 & 6

Dom Wars Series Book Trailer

Check Out The Countinuation of DOMWARS IN LUCIAN'S NEW BOOK 


There is More.......

Have you checked out Lucian's Paranormal Romance? 

RUIN The Waking:

RUIN Revelations

RUIN The Judgment

RUIN The Turning

Box Set Ruin (first 3 books) 

Goodreads link

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