Pulled Apart Belfast Bound #3 Release Day

Re - Release Day - Pulled Apart: Belfast Bound #3 - Leigh Stone
Book - Pulled Apart: Belfast Bound #3
Author - Leigh Stone
Release Day Blitz - 26th July

Hosted by Hooked on books & Cherry0Blossoms Promotions

Pulled Apart - Belfast Bound #3

SYNOPSIS: It’s been a long journey to get here. A long, painful journey, I have the scars, nightmares, and panic attacks to prove it. I never would have believed, all those years ago, that Oliver Watson would have been my worst nightmare. I’m not sorry that he’s dead. I’m just sorry that it wasn’t at my hand. I hate him. I hate what he did to me. I hate what he has taken from me. More than anything, I hate him for taking the coward's way out. He was supposed to rot in prison for his crimes, not leave me to be the only one to face what happened. 

I’m Juliet Monroe. I’m twenty-five years old and I have been through hell. I’ve learned so much about myself. The thing that I’ve learned most is just how strong I can be, but as strong as I am, without my friends, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve learned that friends can be your lifelines, friends can be your support, friends can be your saviours, and sometimes, they might just save your life. 

**WARNING** This book is intended for mature audiences (18+) only. The storyline is a rape survivor's retelling of their story, and as such may cause distress. While acts of violence are depicted, it is vital to the main premise of being able to move on with hope.


Titanic Signing Belfast, 2018 - March 24th.
Held in the iconic Titanic Belfast museum - Saturday March 24th 2018, this international book signing will be an event that will not be forgotten! Afterwards we head on to the Europa Hotel for 'A Night to Remember' with a Gala Dinner and partying on into the wee hours.
Hooked on book's & Cherry0Blossoms Promotions

<3 <3


I'm Leigh Stone, I live in Northern Ireland, just outside the capital city of Belfast, in a house I share with my teenage daughter, and our personal zoo (1 Labrador mix, 3 cats, and 2 rabbits!).

I'm first and foremost a reader, and a fast reader at that, often devouring books in a single sitting over a period of hours. I have always had aspirations to write and become a published author, but as a teenager I was encouraged to look for a different profession, as being an author "wouldn't pay the bills."

It was that reading that lead a friend of mine to suggest that I had read so many of those books that I could probably write my own! It seemed like a good idea, and I thought that I would give it a try :) a few months later Lex's Melody was well underway, and the rest as they say is history!










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