Title: Sir: The Awakening Series: The Awakening Series #2 Author: D.L. Hess Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: September 26, 2017 Blurb “It’s becoming fast apparent that the only way I’m going to be able to stay away from a certain diner waitress is if she orders me away. . . And, even then, it’s going to be difficult to stay away.” Hollywood heartthrob Nate Stone returns to his south Louisiana hometown to direct a movie, but once he gets there all he can think about is the pretty waitress at the local diner. Tori Wilson knows that the smoking hot actor-turned-director will stop at nothing to get her into his bed, but he can only offer her a short affair–and he’s asking for a lot more than simple sex. Tori has never wanted anyone as badly as she wants Nate, but is she willing to let him take control when she’s already been burned before? And if she submits to his commands, will he dominate her heart? “Nate Stone leaves devastation i...