I turn trusted housewives into adulterous whores.
Let’s face it, nothing lasts forever. She may have started out as your wet dream, but now she’s your ball and chain. Let me set you free.
I’ll turn your loyal lady into a lecherous liar.
I can give you the uncontested divorce you desire, end your impending engagement, or rid you of that clingy girlfriend.
Either way, you’ll be a free man.

My name is Rift, and men pay me to have affairs with their women. It’s my job to get caught. While unethical, my profession is easy. Hell, most days it’s fun. At least until I fall for the soon-to-be ex of my newest client.


Heartbreak For Hire parties will be hosted in the Wicked Bitches Reader Group. 
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I reached out to unzip the plastic holding my dress, but just as I did, the door to the dressing room flew open, and Dylan stood there looking back at me.
His eyes were wide with shock, as if he hadn’t expected me to be behind the door, and then they dropped from my face and slid down my body in an invisible caress.
I should have covered myself; I should have screamed at him to get out, but I didn’t move or tell him to go. The way he was looking at me, I needed that. I needed to feel beautiful and desirable.
“What are you doing here?” I watched him, his eyes a stormy blue.
His eyes devoured me, making me feel uncomfortable. If Mitchell supposedly loved me and disliked what he saw when he looked at me, then surely a man who didn’t love me would see me as even worse.
“The lady out front said the bathroom was the last door on the right, but I’m guessing she meant the last door on the left,” he said, not bothering to the hide the fact that he was looking at my body.
I nodded, not sure what to say.
“I should apologize and turn around and leave.”
I swallowed hard.
He didn’t leave.
Instead, he moved into the room and quietly shut the door behind him.
“But you see, there’s a problem.”
“What’s that?” I asked.
He reached out, running a single finger over my shoulder and down across my chest. “I can’t stop looking at you.”
I folded my arms across my chest now, feeling more exposed than I ever had in my life. His finger dipped into the top of my folded arms and between my breasts.
“You’re covering yourself like a woman who thinks she’s unattractive,” he said, moving close enough that his whispered words ruffled the hairs on the side of my face. “But the truth is, my cock’s hard just looking at you.”
I stiffened at his words.
No one had ever spoken to me like that. No man had ever been so brazen, saying naughty words to me in such a manner.
“How does that make you feel, Gwyn?” He moved closer, his lips skimming my earlobe and making me bite my bottom lip.
I should have run out, but I was half naked. And the truth was, I couldn’t move. My legs were stiff, and my feet were rooted to the spot.
“How does it make you feel knowing my cock is hard and throbbing for you?” He licked my lobe, and I shivered. “Here you are, in your white bra and panties, looking so innocent and corruptible ... what’s an evil man like me supposed to do?”
“You’re not evil,” I said, finally able to speak up.
My voice squeaked with my words, making me blush even harder.
He leaned back, his brow lifting in question. “You don’t think I’m evil?”
I shook my head. “Not even a little bit.”
“I assure you I am.” Again, he leaned forward, pressing his lips against my shoulder.
As if an automatic reflex, I tilted my head to the side to give him more skin to explore.
“I’m jealous of the way the lace on your panties is riding up your curvy hips and disappearing into the sweet space between your thighs.” He kissed my shoulder once again, his breath striking the side of my neck and filling my ear. “I want to be that lace, Gwyn. I want to be resting inside your warmth.”
Dear God, he was good, and I was so very bad. 


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