Cards of Love: Knight of Swords by Autumn Jones Lake Release Date: October 31st
Check out the whole series on Goodreads:

BLURB Sometimes the most beautiful souls are the most broken.
Protect. From the minute I met her, I wanted to offer my protection.
Desire. I wanted her to be mine, but didn’t have anything of value to offer. Just my jaded heart, broken soul, and undying love.
Sacrifice. I gave up my pride, my hostility, and my heart to make her happy.
Justice. Fuck the consequences, I would’ve given up anything, even my life, to keep her safe.
Tragic. Both our lives were soaked in tragedy from day one.
Reckless. I ignored the people who warned me he was dead inside.
Truth. He was as broken as I was.

About the Author Autumn believes true love stories never end. She’s easily amused, a procrastinator and writes romances with loving alpha heroes who cherish the sassy women they fall in love with. Autumn prefers to write her romances on the classy side of dirty, and she’s a sucker for a filthy-talking, demanding alpha male hero. The bigger the better. She enjoys testing boundaries and breaking rules with her stories. Happy For Now endings make Autumn’s heart pitter-patter.
Her past lives include baking cookies, slinging shoes, and practicing law. Playing with her imaginary friends is her favorite job so far. She’s an active member of her local chapter of Romance Writers of America.
Autumn was born and raised in upstate New York. She still enjoys all four seasons there with her very own alpha hero and their dogs.


I can not put in to words how much I loved this book. Roman and Juliet have been through some rough times. Fighting those around them while trying to keep their sanity. This book will keep you riveted from the beginning  of page one and will have you wanting more by the very last page. Can the outside world and devils keep these two apart? Can Roman save his Juliet and live to tell about it. Or will their hearts obliterate? Find out.


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