Title: His Pretty Little Thief
Author: Madison Faye
Genre: Billionaire Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 24, 2019


She thinks it’s her who’s the hunter, and me the prey.
She thinks she’s playing me in order to steal what she wants.
...She couldn’t be more wrong.
Because tonight, it’s me who’ll be stealing her.
Tonight she’s mine.

Dear little thief,

I know what you came for. I know you thought it’d be easy. I know you thought I would be easy. Spoiler, it won’t be, and I’m not.

You thought seducing me, and stealing a sample of my...seed, to sell on the black market would be a breeze. Except we both know you’ve never done anything with a man, let alone one as powerful, and rich, and obsessed as me.

I know I should have you arrested. A man with my wealth and my power could ruin you with a snap of the fingers. But I won’t.

Maybe it’s because you intrigue me, little one. Maybe it’s because I enjoy a challenge. Or maybe it’s just because you look so f-ing pretty on your knees saying “please, sir”.

We’ll just have to find out. Let the games begin.

Come and play, little thief. Come and play, so I can play with you.

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This one will take you where you have no idea who is the thief and who isn't. It's a fast pace insta-love that makes your heart melt. This one has a twist and Madison Faye doesn't disappoint at all. She thinks that she has it under control, but when the big bad wolf get's her what will happen? Can she complete the job she was hired to do or will the billionaire nail her to the wall?

Author Bio

USA Today and #1 bestselling contemporary romance author Madison Faye is the dirty alter ego of the very wholesome, very normal suburban housewife behind the stories. While she might be a wife, mom, and PTA organizer on the outside, there's nothing but hot, steamy, and raunchy fantasies brewing right beneath the surface!

Tired of keeping them hidden inside or only having them come out in the bedroom, they're all here in the form of some wickedly hot stories. Single-minded alpha hero, sinfully taboo relationships, and wildly over-the-top scenarios. If you love it extra dirty, extra hot, and extra naughty, this is the place for you! (Just don't tell the other PTA members you saw her here...)

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