On the outside, Karter appears to have the perfect life, but no one knows about the debilitating episodes that invade his mind and body. The only place he’s ever felt at ease is at his grandfather’s house, where he meets the mysterious Ella. As Karter and Ella get to know one another, they find themselves connected on a deeper level that neither understands. Readers who enjoy forbidden romances will devour Rose Moon by Heidi Adams, a steamy paranormal romantasy. Blurb What secrets do we keep to protect the one we love? What lies do we tell, and what are we willing to sacrifice? Karter Quint has the perfect life: star athlete, gifted pianist, straight A-student, handsome and charismatic, he seems fated for success. What nobody knows is that he has battled debilitating episodes during which a strange force invades his mind and body. The only place where Karter truly feels at ease is at his grandfather’s house on the water in Cliff Island, Maine. There, he meets a mysterious girl named Ella and has an instant obsession. He learns that she is a Meridian, or mermaid. Karter and Ella find themselves connected on a higher level—a level that neither understands. They begin a heated and intense romance constrained by their limiting circumstances. However, loving Ella comes at a cost. Karter must take extreme measures of secrecy to protect her, straining relationships with his family and friends well into his adult life. Rose Moon is an emotional and epic love story, and the first in a paranormal romance series, that will keep you guessing until the very end.

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Copyright 2024, Heidi Adams

I wake up with a slight gasp. With my head still on my pillow, I look around my room, with a sensation of being watched. Yet there’s nothing unusual. I listen, but there are no sounds outside of the ordinary. Then I feel it. The pull from my center again, just like last night. This pulling sensation guides me out of bed and moves me to the hall, past Poppy Joe’s room, down the stairs, and to the back door. It’s coming from outside. I slowly open the door and step onto the porch. The moon is full, and the bay is glimmering. The pull beckons me down the hill, where the grass is cool on my feet. On the dock, it’s even colder and eerily quiet. A shiver runs down my spine and arms, and the hair raises on the back of my neck. This strange force leads me to the edge of the dock, and I slowly sit down. The water starts to glow a yellowy green as wet skin on a beautiful body emerges. My heart races with fear, and I have the urge to run, but then a calming feeling hits me. My jaw opens, my heart pounds in my ears, and I haven’t moved a muscle. It’s Ella. We lock eyes for what seems like an eternity. “I was hoping I would see you again. I am not going to hurt you,” she finally says. I try to form a word, but nothing comes out. “Can I sit there next to you?” I nod. My eyes are wide, and I don’t think I’ve blinked since she appeared. She pulls herself out of the water and fixates on me. Her cheekbones are high, accenting her large, upturned eyes. Her lips are full and rosy. Our faces are inches apart. She slowly reaches towards my face and gently drags her fingers over my forehead, down my temple and cheek, ending at my jawline. I force myself to breathe. I’ve seen these eyes before. The green is gleaming within them, and they’re picking up a reflection. My gaze shifts from her face down her body… Instead of legs, she has a…tail, greenish in color, but I can’t tell because of the soft light radiating through it. Her tail is glowing. She’s a…mermaid. My heart races in fear again. She grips my shoulder, and intense peace radiates through me. I’m pulled into those mesmerizing eyes, like I’m part of her and have known her my whole life. I still haven’t spoken. “I have wanted to meet you for a long time,” she says. Her smile is warm and natural. My initial shock is starting to wear off. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. “You're…uh…um…glowing,” I finally say. She laughs. Beads of water drip off her long blonde hair. “Glad you noticed. I wanted you to see me for the first time in the dark.” “Uh-huh,” is all I can say. “Do you want to see me again?” “Yes,” I whisper. “Can you meet me out here tomorrow after midnight?” “Yes.” She takes my hand in hers. My breath catches. “How do you feel?” she whispers as she leans in closer. “Like this isn’t real.” “Good,” she says as she traces my face again. Her touch sends a wave of energy through me. “Until tomorrow.” Then she slips back into the water and disappears. It takes me a few minutes, but I slowly stand up and look around. The world is asleep, but I am wide awake.

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About Heidi Adams

Hi! My name is Heidi Adams, and I write wherever my characters guide me, which is mostly romance! A little paranormal/fantasy, a little contemporary, sometimes even a little dark. My characters take me on journeys that push me to the edge of my emotions with toe-curling passion, heart-pounding suspense that will leave you on the edge of your seat, and a ride full of twists and turns...but passion and love are always the driving force behind my characters and the heart of their stories. I love LOVE! And when I write, I escape into a world that love conquers all, even in the darkest of hours.

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