M.B. Feeny Dear Diary

The brilliant and loving Mich Feeney has joined the Magic of Books Promotions team. Her talents and expertise will shoot the promotional company into the stars and beyond. To help welcome her into the family, as owner of the company, I present the newest book of the author and friend she has become to me.


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Born and bred in the UK, Holly is getting the chance of a lifetime—six weeks abroad. The Kings, a host family in the US, have invited her to stay with them and get a chance to experience life as an American. When she discovers that the King family includes two teenage boys, will she be glad she came or ready to hightail it back across the pond?

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M. B. Feeney is an army brat who finally settled down in Birmingham, UK with her other half, two kids and a dog. Currently at university studying for her BA (Hons) in primary teaching, she procrastinates on her assignments by listening to music of all genres and trying to get ‘just one more paragraph’ written on whichever WIP is open. She is also a serious doodler and chocoholic. Writing has been her one true love ever since she could spell, and publishing is the final culmination of her hard work and ambition.

Her publishing career began with two novellas, and she currently has multiple projects under way whilst Honour, a compilation of her own military based shorts, was released in November 2013 and her short novel, The One That Got Away was released February 2015. Always having something on the go can often lead to block which eventually gets dissolved by good music and an even better book.

Her main reason for writing is to not only give her readers enjoyment, but also to create a story and characters that stay with readers long after the book is finished, and possibly make someone stop and think “what if...”


I've only just met Mich, but I already see a lifelong friend. Her talents go far beyond writing. She's a thankless mother of two, a loving woman to her soulmate and is always thinking of her friends before herself. Maybe that's one of the reasons she's gone into teaching; a chance to shape the young minds of our future writers. I'm so excited to spend time with a generous and loving personality like hers and to learn and grow from her wealth of expertise. My life will never be the same now that you have entered my life.



Hmm, a personal testimony about Mich (M.B. Feeney) . . . Where to start! Shall I do this like a Best Man speech? Yeah, why not
*pouts that I don’t have a glass of bubbly to toast this awesome girl*

Well, I first ‘met’ Mich quite a few years ago. I can't remember the exact details, but knowing us two, we were probably up to no good. It was online, of course, but that didn’t stop us! We grew close as friends and then we cemented our friendship by meeting up in person. It was at a Twilight convention (don’t groan, it was a fun weekend! Lol).

Here’s what I’ve learned and loved about Mich over the years:

She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family. No matter what, she’s there. No matter what she’s going through herself, she’s there for her friends.

She has a slight music addiction (which we share). I’ve lost count on the artists we’ve talked about over the years lol.

She also adores her cowboy boots (The Boots Stay on!) I swear this addiction was brought on by Jackson Rathbone, but it’s not like I’d complain. Have you seen that man on stage? Phew!

She loves 1 Direction *coughs* Louis *coughs*

She is one hell of a kick arse author! Have you read her books? Damn, this girl can write! She sticks to normal men! Nope, there’s not a billionaire arsehole in sight, thank God!

She’s training to be a teacher. Now, props to her, because being in a classroom of 30+ kids all day . . . nah lol.

But the thing I love about Mich is this. She’s Mich. She puts on no front. What you see is what you get and that’s quite rare in an author. She hates putting herself out there. She hates pimping herself. She’ll bend over backwards for anyone, but ignores herself.

She is an awesome friend and I know that I can count on her for anything. I know she wants the publishing world to take her seriously, because she lives for books – reading and writing.

And Mich, when you get this, when you sit and read this . . . Thanks. Thanks for being such an amazing friend, an awesome author, and someone anyone can instantly love.

*raises cup of tea*

<3 JC Clarke


The moment I read M B Feeney’s first story, I knew I had discovered one seriously talented author. With a British flavour to each of her stories, M B builds strong, unique characters that draw the reader in until they can’t help but become invested. Her latest offering, Dear Diary (The Exchange Series Book 1) is no exception. A great start to what I anticipate will be a fantastic series.
When she’s not busy with writing, her studies and family commitments, M B Feeney is 100 percent committed to supporting the indie writing community. She has not only read and reviewed hundreds, if not thousands of stories over the years, she has always been there to lend an ear, shoulder, or hand any way she can for countless numbers of people.
On a personal level, I’ve known M B Feeney for well over 5 years. She is a true friend, mother, sister and confidante… a woman who is genuine, honest, and generous to a fault. (She is also quite partial to pear cider now and then too lol). She also encouraged me to take my first tentative step into the world of writing, and for that, I will be forever grateful. I can honestly say without a single doubt in my mind, that if it weren’t for one Ms M B Feeney, I would not have become a published author.

L J Harris.


With stories set in England that are witty yet quirky, M.B. Feeney has a way with words that’ll suck you right into her fictional worlds. I'm proud to call her friend.

<3 RE Hargrave

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Here are some ways you can stalk and learn about this warm hearted woman.


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I encourage all of you help welcome her to the Magic of Books family by purchasing one of her incredible books today.
(Purchase of any of MB's books can be used towards entries in the Rafflecopter)


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"Just Like in the Movies" is about to be rereleased with a new cover...signup today for the BLOG BLITZ on July 3, 2015.


Brought to you on behalf of MoB & all of MB Feeney's friends and family.



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