Badass In My Bed #1 Blog Tour

Badass In My Bed #1 Blog Tour

Title: Badass In My Bed #1
Author: Rae Lynn Blaise
Publication Date: June 23, 2015
SummaryMy life is music. I play it, I live it, I breathe it. Next week, I start my dream job playing cello with the Boston Symphony. My father might finally be proud of me, and I… well, I’ll have my music.

Then I met Dylan—tattooed, badass, always-hard Dylan. He’s nothing like anyone I’ve ever been with before. Just one night can’t hurt me.

But sometimes when you play with fire, you get burned.

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Badass In My Bed #1:
Badass In My Bed #2:
Badass In My Bed #3:

Rae Lynn Blaise:


I sneak another peek and bingo! I finally see his face.
God, his face…
Now that I see it, I’m not sure I can ever look away. It’s striking. Stunning. Strangely beautiful.
His eyes are inset, his jaw and nose strong. And his mouth—perfect, his lips full but not girly. They’re sin and sex, yet, as he smirks at something on his phone, also quite boyish. It’s the kind of mouth I could stare at for hours, watching the way it shapes words and slides into smiles. The kind of mouth that feels good to kiss and better to suck and my, oh, my, I bet he sucks down there so right I wouldn’t need to grab a vibrator after.
Where the hell did that come from? I’m not a prude, but having dirty thoughts about men in bars is really not my style.
It’s a sign of stress, that’s all. In my mind, Beautiful Tattooed Boy is the personification of chance encounters and not having a plan. It’s the other road—the road I didn’t take. Correction—wouldn’t take. He’s nice to look at, but other than that, we’d probably clash. Big time. I’m only attracted to him because, although I’m happy with my choices and my plans, I can’t help being curious about what else might have been.
Yeah. That’s totally it.
But what if I’m more than curious?


To me the Cello sound is soothing comforting and for Rachel that is exactly what it is. When her and a friend go to a bar for drinks she catches the eye of Bad Boy Dylan who wants her just as bad. Glances to each other in the bar lead to a hot night in her bed. But he's mysterious and she calms him so things don't just stay to one night. However this is only book one so you know it doesn't end on a major cliffy but does a little one. When Rachel finds out exactly who Dylan is things will change and now she has to decide what to do about that.


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