Wrath Release Blitz

Title: Wrath
Series: Wrong #2
Authors: LP Lovell & Stevie J. Cole
 Release Date: August 25, 2015



Jude Pearson could just as well kill me as kiss me most days. He was my captor, my living hell, and yet, he became my saviour, my heart. Stupid. He’s heartless, conditioned to feel nothing, and so I ran... straight into the clutches of his enemy. Joe Campbell wants Jude to suffer, and I just became a pawn in a very dangerous game.

Joe has broken me in every way, everything that I once was stripped away, and in it’s place is festering hatred and a rage so cold I feel nothing else. I have one purpose. Revenge.


Love makes you weak, it makes you irrational. She was collateral, completely innocent when she was unwillingly dragged into my corrupt world. With the damage I’d already caused her, I couldn’t let her love me, so I let her go, and now...he has her.

No matter where she is, she will always be mine. This man has taken every-fucking-thing from me, and he has the last thing that matters to me. I will kill him. Slowly. Joe Campbell better run because the devil is fucking coming for him.

Sometimes two wrongs can make a right.




Our Wrath binds us, but it may also break us.

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This is book 2 in the series and if you haven't read Wrong you will not understand Wrath. Tor and Jude have been through hell and it's about to get worse. At the end of the first one Tor leaves Jude for good reason he's an ass. However Tor is taken by the filthy, nasty, corrupted Joe and the things he does to her is unthinkable. But it's not just her this is a game that he is playing with Jude. Can Jude find her before more damaged is done? Tor is over the bullshit that has happened to her and she's ready to fight. Jude is strong but he's about to loose his shit he's trying to protect Tor but she's not having it. Find out if Tor can get through her trauma and can Jude help her or will this end them once and for all.

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LP Lovell

Lauren Lovell is an indie author from England. She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for afterwards.

She's a self-confessed shameless pervert, who may be suffering from slight peen envy.

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Stevie J. Cole

Stevie J. Cole is a secret rock star. Sex, drugs and, oh wait, no, just sex. She’s a whore for a British accent and has an unhealthy obsession with Russell Brand. She and LP plan to elope in Vegas and breed the world’s most epic child.

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