all my truths & one lie Promo

Book: All My Truths & One Lie Author: Fabiola Francisco
Release Date - 23rd January 2019
Buy All My Truths & One Lie

A captivating story about love, family secrets, and self-discovery.
I finally followed the life I always dreamed of. All of the pieces fell into an easy path, but the illusion of perfection hid the pain I was still carrying.
Until I met him.
They say when you cross paths with a twin flame, everything changes. Matthias proved that to be true as he stripped me down, removing the illusion and baring every single truth I refused to look at.
He was the love that could deconstruct my patterns. If only I could accept that the one lie I’ve believed my entire life is the only truth.


“The stars always remind me that there’s something greater out there than the bullshit we live.”
“You’re right,” he agrees.
“It reminds me that no matter what, I’ll return to stardust. When I do, I want to be rid of the baggage.”
“They’re just challenges we chose so we can evolve.”
“Why did I choose certain things?” My voice is a whisper.
“I don’t know.” I watch him shake his head.
“At least we get to admire the beauty above from here.” I look back at the sky.
“You and I were born from the same star,” he whispers, his breath tickling my ear. “And we’ll return to it once again.”
 Matthias’s arms wrap around my chest, holding me close to him. I close my eyes as his scent surrounds me. Home. That’s what he feels like. As if all the roads I’ve been lost on finally led to the destination I didn’t even know I was seeking. As if I was never really lost, but simply on a journey to get to this point. Meeting Matthias is more than romance. It’s more than being in a relationship. This is something so deep, words can’t describe it, and most people don’t believe in.
Every worry escapes me as I feel this man’s arms hold me. We were split from the same source, sent on different paths that mirrored each other until we were ready to meet again.
My arms curl around his at my chest, lacing our fingers. This is a sensation I want forever. This is someone I can’t lose. He deserves for me to be fully present with him. We’ll bring things out of each other, but only so we can clear them.
  © 2019, Fabiola Francisco
Author Bio
Fabiola Francisco is a contemporary romance author from South Florida. Writing as been a part of her life since she was a teenager. Even at that age, she dreamed of happy endings with emotional twists. Her novels include Perfectly Imperfect, The Restoring Series, Sweet on You Duet, and Red Lights, Black Hearts.  
Her passion for books and writing has inspired her to write her own stories. She writes novels readers could relate to and grow with. She’s currently working on writing more stories that connect with readers on a deeper.
Fabiola also loves expressing herself through art and spending time in nature. In her spare time, she loves to cuddle with a good book and a glass of wine.


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