Learn to Fly

Lenny Evans felt like her life was suffocating her. She would do just about anything to change that,
which is how she ended up taking a job that landed her on tour with the biggest rock band in the world.
The plan was simple: get a job, get out of town, don't get attached. But Lenny has never met anyone
like the members of Double Blind Study and they easily adopt her into their makeshift family. Now,
Lenny finds herself caring far too deeply for these tattooed misfits, daily bringing them closer and
closer to revealing Lenny's true past and everything she's running from.
Sometimes crashing headlong into the unknown isn't the worst thing.

WARNING: contains foul-mouthed rock stars, irritating exes, loud music, an overworked tour manager
and random shenanigans.

Learn to Fly playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?

About the Author:

Heidi Hutchinson was born in South Dakota and raised the exact right distance away from the Black
Hills. She had an overactive imagination very early on, and wasted no time in getting most of her
friends in trouble due to her unrealistic and completely ridiculous ideas. Seeing as she was so lazy and
also afraid people would think she was bonkers, she didn't write down any of the story lines that played
out in her daydreams.
During her high school years, she took pen to paper and filled more notebooks than she is proud of
with angsty, depressing, self-depreciating poetry. This led to her writing down more things: notes,
ideas, character bios, plot twists that had no plot yet to twist. After years of cleaning up her own scraps
of imagination with nothing solid to hold on to, she sat down and wrote the story that had been in her
head the longest. Fueled by coffee and her unwavering and perfectly normal devotion to Dave Grohl,
she discovered a writer living inside of her.
She still lives in the Midwest, though not as close to the Black Hills as she would prefer, with her
alarmingly handsome husband and their fearless child. They eat more pizza than God intended and she
listens to her music the same way she lives: loudly.

Links to Author:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/heidirhutchinson
Blog: http://heidihutchinson.blogspot.com
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7275775.Heidi_Hutchinson
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ChosenbyFaith
Links to purchase book:
Amazon US: http://amzn.com/B00F6H6BFK
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00F6H6BFK

I absolutely LOVE this book!!! I love the dynamic within the band...proving that you don't have to be related by blood to be FAMILY. And I adore Lenny & Luke! The bond that they have is true & pure. From beginning to end, they never waiver. Even through the ups & downs, one thing rings true...LOVE. Their love for each other & their love for their family. They face so much turmoil; from addiction & injury to jealousy & self doubt...but they face it together, as a family. They have each other's backs...no matter what. Nowadays, that's rare & priceless! 
I usually don't venture outside of the erotica genre. Every time I've attempted to, I've always had a hard time getting into the book & I usually give up on it pretty quick. This book captivated me from the very beginning & I literally could not put it down! It took me FOREVER, but I read it all in one sitting because I just could not put it down. I HAD to know what was gonna happen next! It was unpredictable; constantly kept me guessing...& I loved every second of it!! Thank you Heidi, for allowing me to join in on the journey with Double Blind Study. I'll never forget it. UGH! I LOVED IT!! 
I will recommend this book to anyone!! 


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