Love, Lies, and the D.A.


Jada McLean is about to get married in nine days, when she walks in on her fiancé in a little more than a compromising position. Days later, she’s on a trip that she intends to be relaxing and a prelude to her fresh start, when she runs into the rude, obnoxious, but gorgeous Jonathan Kole.
Jonathan Kole is San Francisco’s newest District Attorney. When he finds himself deeply attracted to a stunning beauty, he has no idea that she’s about to get into BIG trouble with the law—and he’ll be the one presiding over her trial. To make matters worse, his father is the lawyer representing her in the high-profile case.
When a series of events force them together over New Year’s weekend, Jonathan’s feelings and ethics will come into question, while Jada comes to terms with the fact that she is falling for the man that will be responsible for attempting to put her behind bars… Little do they know, they're both about to fall into a whirlwind so deep, it will send both their lives spiraling out of control.

Author Bio       

Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the Northeastern United States. She was a Sales Manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was  involved in marketing for a jewelry company, and later for a fine wine distributor.

About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel, Uncorked, just to purely entertain herself. It was not until early in 2012 when she decided to complete it and share it with the world. The story was published in February of 2013. Love, Lies & The D.A. is her second novel.

Author Bio       

Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the Northeastern United States. She was a Sales Manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was  involved in marketing for a jewelry company, and later for a fine wine distributor.
About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel, Uncorked, just to purely entertain herself. It was not until early in 2012 when she decided to complete it and share it with the world. The story was published in February of 2013. Love, Lies & The D.A. is her second novel.

Their First Meeting

The pretty, young host escorts me to a table for two near a window with panoramic water vistas. Within minutes, a server takes my order. As my café latté arrives, I can’t help but overhear a rude exchange between a man and his leggy blonde with the host that escorted me to my seat.
“Look, I reserved that exact seat yesterday,” he says.
“I apologize sir, but that seat is not available,” the host replies.
“Well, if you were doing your job in the first place, it would be available to me, wouldn’t it?”
“Sir, I’m sorry for the error, but it wasn’t written here. If you like, you can wait at the bar where I’ll be happy to serve you a complimentary beverage of your choice while you wait, or I can accommodate you at an available table now.”
I can’t help but look to see who this asshole is.
Everything about him smells of money. From the designer jeans that hug his ass, all the way to the Jaeger Reverso watch that graces his wrist. He’s hot—probably in his mid to late thirties, tall, broad shoulders, piercing grey eyes, and a head of black hair like I’ve never seen.
Ordinarily, I might have found him attractive, if only he would just shut up.
Everything he says to that poor young girl, who has tried so hard to rectify someone else’s mistake, pisses me off. He’s been nothing but rude and condescending. As I look up, my eyes land straight on his. Then I realize they’re all looking my way. I turn around to look behind me, but there is no one. Then it dawns on me that he’s arguing with the host about my seat.
My meal arrives. I mind my business, and I proceed to enjoy it. Before I know it, I see him approaching my table. I pretend not to notice and focus all my attention on my lemon ricotta pancakes before me, but within seconds, he stands beside me.
“Excuse me, my name is Jonathan Kole. Would you mind terribly if you were seated elsewhere?”
My eyes travel across my pancakes to his broad thighs, to his crotch, and to what I suspect is an extremely trimmed stomach beyond his black ribbed sweater. Then I stare into his grey eyes in silence.
“You see, my girlfriend and I met right here at this table a year ago, and I wanted to propose to her. Here. Today.”
“Actually, Jonathan, I do mind. Seeing that I’m enjoying my meal, surely you wouldn’t mind waiting until I’m done. Or perhaps you can let that polite host, who has done everything possible to accommodate you, have you seated elsewhere.”
“Do you have any idea who I am?” he asks.
Asshole! Your name might sound familiar but who cares…
“No. You could be the king of England and I wouldn’t give a damn.”
“Who the hell do you think you are?”
“You really want to know?” I ask quietly.
He lowers his head slightly, as if he’s seriously interested.
“I am a woman who walked in on her fiancé screwing her best friend one week before her wedding, so forgive me if I’m not in a sentimental mood.”
His mouth drops open at my response.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, Mr. Kole, I’d really like to enjoy my brunch.”
His piercing grey eyes are glaring into mine. I know he’s angry. His temple pulsates as he stares at me. He walks away completely flushed.
I don’t care. Perhaps if he had been nicer to that host I would have considered his request. However, because he comes from money doesn’t give him the right to speak to people any which way he wishes.
I continue to enjoy my meal and notice him walking hand in hand to the bar with Malibu Barbie. Half an hour later, I ask for the check then purposely make him wait an additional five minutes before I leave.
On the way out, the host looks at me bright-eyed. “No one ever speaks to Mr. Kole that way, Miss McLean.”
“Well, it’s time someone taught him some manners,” I reply. I hand her a healthy tip, and I’m on my way.

Steamy Excerpt      

We finish lunch and watch a movie and some football, complete with popcorn and soda. When the sun starts its descent, we head to the hot tub. I am a little nervous. I hope I don’t gawk at him again. I slip into a little white bikini, wrap myself in a robe, and head out.
When I get onto the terrace, I try to ignore the fact that ass-hugging Ralph Lauren trunks cling to every inch of his well-endowed front… and back. He steps into the tub, and after I tear my robe away, he stretches out his hand and helps me in. I have no idea what I was thinking when I agreed to this. I can’t get hot and sexy images of us having passionate sex in the tub out of my head.
Since Richard and I broke up, my body has craved sexual pleasure in a way it hasn’t before, but this is flipping torture. Sure, I’ve pleasured myself a few times, but there is no substitute for a man who you’re physically attracted to who you know knows all the right things to do to you in bed. Sitting opposite to him, I close my eyes, sit back, and relax. I hope that I don’t give him a clue that while I lie here, I am practically salivating at the mouth and lusting for his sexual pleasure.
I am just starting to calm down and relax when he raises one of my feet and massages, working his thumbs from around my ankle to the arch of my foot and then my toes. My God, I swear this could be considered foreplay, because what he is doing to me right now causes all sorts of tension to develop between my thighs, along with the tingling sensation that runs down my lower back.
My goodness. Is he purposely trying to seduce me, or is he completely unaware of what his actions are doing to my body?
Oh, don’t be naïve, Jada. Of course he knows what he’s doing. He’s made his feelings for you abundantly clear.
He moves to my other foot, and as he works, a soft moan spurts out of my lips. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this sexually aroused. I try to remember the last time I was with Richard, and nothing comes to mind. Jonathan snaps me back to the present when his hands move from my feet and he works his way up my calf.
Oh God, that feels good.
I feel like I’m losing control. I want him to make love to me. I open my eyes, and I’m startled when I find him staring straight at me. He hooks his arms under my thighs and pulls me towards him. The look in his eyes are filled with pure desire. I’m straddling him, and I can feel his erection in the center of my crevasse; just a few thin strips of fabric are between us.
He folds me in his arms and draws me close to him. My heart explodes between our bodies, and my hardened nipples are against his chest. I lean my forehead against his, and finally our lips touch. He gently braces my head with his palm, and I wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses me again, but this time I part my lips, allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth. I open my mouth wider, letting him deepen our kiss, allowing our tongues to tease and explore each other. My hands roam over his neck, shoulders, and chest.
His hands glide over my shoulders and down to my back. He draws me closer towards him. Kissing my neck, his hands caress my back, and his fingers inch closer to the ties of my swimsuit.
Suddenly, I remember that he may very well be the man to ensure that I am sent off to prison.
I pull away. My breathing is heavy—so is his. My forehead is still against his. He kisses me on my cheek then my neck.
“Why’d you have to be the bloody District Attorney?” I whisper.

“And why’d you have to be a suspect?” he responds.

Sexually Explicit Excerpt

After dinner, Jada’s on the phone with her brother in the living room while I get to work upstairs in my office. I have to finish getting ready for a deposition first thing tomorrow morning. A couple hours in, my office door opens and Jada walks in. Her wet hair falls in curly locks over her shoulders.
“Hey, Babe. You okay?” I ask.
She gazes into my eyes but does not verbally respond. She walks over to me, spanning her legs across my body while I sit in my office chair. She pulls away my T-shirt she’s wearing over her head, revealing her completely nude body. She’s doesn’t have any underwear on, and at that moment, it becomes clear what she wants.
She devours my lips as one of her hands travel towards my crotch. Sex is the furthest thing on my mind, but my cock stands erect and seems to agree with her plan. Her eyes are filled with so much desire, and before I can think to protest, I hear the zipper on my jeans head south.
“Ja—” I try to stop her, but she ignores my subtle protest.
 Within seconds, she rips my jeans off, and her hands travel up and down my stiff cock as she descends between my thighs. I soon feel the warmth of her mouth surrounding me. I give up on trying to stop her, shut my laptop, and push it to the side of my desk. I watch while she swallows my cock. She’s sucking on it like a leech, massaging me in all the right places.
I sink my hand into her hair over her head and rotate my hips between her slippery fingers and into her mouth. I know I won’t last much longer if she keeps this up. I’m about to explode.
“Fuck, Jada.” I stand and pull her to her feet. Then after pulling my shirt over my head, I shove all the files on the desk away. A pile of books towards its edge comes crashing down to the floor before I set her to lie on my desk. For her pleasure, probably more so mine, I’ll give her what she wants. I sit in my chair, spreading her legs far apart. I rub her gently with my fingers then circle her center with tender kisses. I aim straight for her swollen pussy and release my tongue inside her.
She’s quickly becomes saturated, and her soft pleasurable cries and moans permeate through the room. She raises her ass repeatedly to meet my stride, and her erotic, sexual dance lets me know she’s enjoying this as much as I am. I alternate licking her with rubbing her clit with my middle and index fingers, arousing her further. She’s sweet. I could do this to her all night long, and the sight of her juices running down her thighs and my hands makes me eager to get inside her.
I come up for air, using my fingers above and inside her, then take a moment to absorb her beauty. Her eyes meet mine. She slips off the desk and straddles me in my chair, slowly swinging her hips over my erection.
I circle my hands around her head and look into her eyes. I’m not sure, but I think what started out as pure sexual desire for her might have turned into something else. I see a speck of vulnerability in her eyes, and it’s at that moment, I realize what she might need is so much more than awesome sex.
I draw her head towards me, kissing her gently on her lips. The intensity between us rises, and as we zealously kiss, the sight of her engorged ruffles slipping over my cock makes me want all of her.
I lift her, placing her on my desk once more. I stand, and she comes to her feet surrounding her arms around my neck as we kiss. With her in my arms, I take tiny steps towards the door. It’s my intention to take her to my bed, but she’s now massaging my cock, and I can’t hold back further.
I plaster her lithe body against the wall, slowly entering her. She wraps her slender arms around my neck, her soft kisses on my throat heightening my desire for her.
My arms brace her extended legs apart as I continue to ascend my body into her. She ties her legs around my sweaty frame as I circle her in my arms.
Her kisses become more demanding. I want to please her. I feel her loving caress in my hair, her soft touch on my wound from this afternoon, and her soft whispers of my name. I know she’s nearing her peak.
I gaze at her as I thrust myself into her, sending her body up and down against the wall. Her eyes are closed, some of the wet tendrils of her hair are plastered around her neck, and her mellifluous pleasurable moans arouse me further.
We slowly collapse to the plush rug on the floor, and as I kneel on the floor with her wrapped in my arms, she slips her slippery wet core over my stiff arousal. Our tongues are in a never-ending dance as we passionately kiss.
I flip her over, face down, and I bury my cock inside her. Taking her from behind, I circle my cock inside her, boring my ass into her while pleasuring her core again, and again, and again, all while teasing her, gratifying her, rubbing her pleats.
I need to see her face. There’s nothing I love more than watching her come. I flip her onto her back. Her hands clasps mine as I slowly move over her, delving myself into her.
“Oh, Johnny…” she cries out in utter bliss.
“Yes, Babe… Harder?”
She’s near her release. I hold her firmly in place as she wraps her arms around my shoulders and give her what she so desperately desires, thrusting my body hard and deep inside her.

I, too, am so close to coming. Her moaning is louder, and as she announces her grandeur, I feel her nails digging firmly into my back. She’s coming, hard, and as I watch her convulse in my arms, I join her and we both release.

Guest Post by Rebecca Rohman

Love, Lies & The D.A.
I worked on this book for the last year and the whole time, I could hear my mentor’s voice in my head.
“Telling not showing,” she’d say, or “I’m not convinced… not feeling it here.”
With this book I pushed myself, and tried to blow everything I knew I was guilty of with my first book (at least during the writing phase), out the park. My aim was to make the reader and my mentor, laugh and cry. I want readers to feel happy and sad, and at times I want them to feel angry—I want them to experience what the characters feel.
I’ve always had the most difficult time being funny in my writing and it was something I really strived to do in certain parts of this book. I think I’ve succeeded—it’s up to bookworms out there to decide J. I’m silly, I laugh at my own jokes and depending on my husband to tell me if something was funny or not in a romance novel, was a complete waste of time.
He always gave the same blah response, “It’s cute.”
Not necessarily what you want to hear when attempting to write a funny scene.
The scenes where I wanted to evoke tears were the most difficult however. I had to get myself in “the zone”. That meant privacy, quiet, soft or no music, then I’d put myself in my characters shoes and I’d imagine how they’d feel.
In some instances, it was as simple as going back to a sad time in my life, but in others, I used my own fears— how I thought I would react in a given situation to write those scenes. I thought if I felt what the characters did; it would translate to the readers too. When I found myself bawling while my fingertips scrambled across the keyboard, I truly believed I would succeed in roping the reader in.
My aim was to keep readers engaged from page one all the way to the very end. Love, Lies & The D.A. will take people through a myriad of emotions—from lighthearted moments, to intense situations, from close encounters to steamy love scenes. Readers will laugh, and they will cry. I hope they thoroughly enjoy the heartwarming and sometimes heart-wrenching journey that Jada and Jonathan go through as they turn through the pages of my book.

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Holy sweet hell this was an amazing book to read. I could not put it down I loved it that much. Jada catches her fiance with someone else and what does she do she takes a time out from her life to go somewhere peaceful. However when he is murdered Jada is the number 1 suspect. As she get's antiquated with her new town she runs into the arrogant Jonathan who thinks his shit don't stink and he try's to over run her. However Jada is strong willed, but when things start to happen to her it's Jonathan who is there to help and that is goes when she is brought up on charges. Follow Jada and find out if she is sent to prison for a crime she may or may not have committed. You won't believe what happens when the truth comes out.


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