
Title: Conquered
Series: She Who Dares #2
Author: LP Lovell
 Release Date: September 27, 2014


Love is a war in which only the fearless may conquer. The loss of love is a test in survival.

Love. It’s such an understated word. It has the ability to grip you so hard you become completely consumed by it, and when it releases you, you find yourself on your knees. Lilly Parker has me on my knees and I cannot muster the will to stand.

Betrayal. It’s all the worse when it comes from those we love. The pain, that much more intense. The loss, that much more heart breaking. I took a chance on Theodore Ellis and I lost.

How hard is Theo willing to fight for the woman he loves? Can Lilly fight her demons, or will she push away the only man capable of facing them with her?

Conquered is the emotional, gritty second part of Lilly and Theo's story.

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Conquered is the continuance of Besieged. It is just as powerful, heart wrenching, and tearful. We continue with Lilly and Theo fighting for each other's love but not wanting to be together. As Lilly tries to move on Theo won't let her and will fight tooth and nail to keep her. Their lives will fall apart and Lilly's past comes back not only to haunt her but destroy her. Can Theo help Lilly through it and can she finally open up and tell Theo exactly what happen to her and Harry when they were little. This book made me cry for everyone involved oh and don't forget there is hot sex as well.

Also Available

What would you do if you were granted millions of pounds and a face that melts the underwear off of any woman? Meet Theodore Ellis, the business man who parties like a rock star, and has more women than he has room on his bed post to put the notches.

Meet Lilly Parker. With a difficult past; Lilly is cold, closed off and emotionally unavailable in every way. Don't go thinking she's the sweet and innocent victim though, she plays the game better than most men, and is the original use and abuse woman. 

She's built her walls ten feet high and topped with razor wire, but Theo is relentless in the face of a challenge and Lilly finds herself besieged by him. Can he get in her pants? Or will the unsuspecting man whore go a step further and finally tear down her walls? Unlikely.

This is no hearts and flowers love story, it is a battle of wills as a woman who trusts no-one denies a man who has never been denied.

Cue fireworks as female sass meets alpha male tenacity.

Besieged will make you laugh, fantasize and perhaps even shed a tear.

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Oh Besieged is hot, steamy, firey, and a hella of alot romantic. It's full of passion, sex, and drama that will unfold without notice. Theo is this strong, no holds bar hottie who set his eyes on Lilly one night. When she tells him where to go he can't believe it. Well luck would have it they are put together again but can Lilly keep to her "NO" to Theo or will she cave? This is their story and how they try to fight the attraction. But man drama will find them and it will hit them where they won't even know. Can Theo and Lilly stay together and be happy or will her past and his stubbornness tear them apart?

Author Bio

LP Lovell is an Indie Author from Salisbury, England. She's known for her seriously laid back attitude, sick sense of humour and a general lack of brain to mouth filter. Fuelled by copious amounts of Diet Coke, she likes to create feisty female characters who bring men across the pages to their knees. If she’s not writing then LP can be found riding her horses, or walking her ever present writing companion; Tulula the dog.

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