Stone & Shadows Release
Title: Stone & Shadows Series: The Fire & Shadow Series #1 Author: Melissa Toppen Genre: Fantasy Romance Release Date: March 15, 2024 BLURB The hybrid: Athena Elliot has always believed she was different- that something more existed beneath her frail, human form than just blood and bone. A whisper of power that she could never quite place but could always feel, simmering just beneath the surface. When she’s taken prisoner- held captive inside a realm she believed to be nothing more than myth- she learns it goes far beyond what she ever imagined possible. A hybrid. Part human, part wielder- more powerful than both- the only living one of her kind. But if Thena has any hope of surviving in a world where everyone wants to either steal her power or see her dead, she’s going to have to master a magic she never could have dreamt of possessing. The shadow prince: A powerful wielder- a magical creature long since lost to the human world- Haytham’s realm is dying- poisoned by
This is a great cover! I can't wait for this book!