After the Scars (The Second Chances Anthology)

The Second Chances Anthology 
After The Scars 
An outstanding collaboration of romantic short stories, each telling their own tales of heartache, Love and new beginnings.
With Mandy the runaway wife in ‘Beaten Heart’, Claire the broken widow in ‘After the Storm Breaks’, Arizona the broken but witty women from ‘All in’ and not forgetting the lovers looking for answers in ‘First Love’. Plus more stories and poetry from some amazing authors! 

Release date: June 2015

Join us over on our Facebook page for up-to-date news on all our included stories and release details
Or pop over to our blog for full details 

All In by J.L. Drake
Quiz Date by Francesca Barker
First Love by Leigh Carver
One Last Kiss by Kerry Kijewski
Sweet Sixteen by Neeti Banga
When The Storm Breaks by Avery Hart
Beaten Heart by Hazel Robinson

A Kiss by Hazel Robinson 
Broken and Drowning bHazel Robinson
Heart Broken by Sucharita Venkatesh
Little Did I Know bSucharita Venkatesh
Fight For Your Life by Angela Fardellone
Dawn Is Always Near by Angela Fardellone
Lost, Battered, Broken bAngela Fardellone 
Unquenched by Arna Sarkar


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