Rattle Me

Title: Rattle Me

Series: Ravage MC #3.75
Author: Ryan Michele
Release: April 7, 2015
Genre: MC Romance

Goodreads Link:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23148892-rattle-me


After a devastating loss, hope breathes again.
Test after test, the lives of G.T. and Casey are about to take a huge turn. 
Emotions and pain cut deep, and fear burns inside daily. 
Can Casey relax enough to avoid undo stress? 
Can GT handle having zero control?

“This is definitely going to be one hell of a wild ride.”

Buy Links

Kobo:  http://tinyurl.com/qamksft

Author Bio:

Ryan Michele has a huge obsession with reading, which only came to life after her best friend said she had to read Twilight. After reading that series, her entire world changed in the blink of an eye. Not only was she sucked into new worlds and all of the wonderful words authors put down on paper, she felt the urge to begin to write down the characters that played inside of her head. In doing so, Safe was born. 

When she’s not reading or writing, she spends time taking care of her two children and her husband, enjoying the outdoors and laying in the sun.  Newsletter Signup: http://eepurl.com/P8bOL

Social Media Links:

Website -- www.authorryanmichele.net
Facebook -- www.facebook.com/AuthorRyanMichele
Twitter -- www.twitter.com/Ryan_Michele
Amazon Author Page -- http://bit.ly/RyanMichele-AmzAuthorPage
Pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/authorryanmiche/
Goodreads -- www.goodreads.com/RyanMichele
Instagram: author_ryan_michele
Google+: google.com/+RyanMichele
Tsu-- https://www.tsu.co/RyanMichele


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