Bedding the Biker Next Door

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New York Times Best Selling Author Virna DePaul brings readers the fifth book in her wildly successful Bedding the Bachelors series!  Bedding the Biker Next Door introduces readers to another sexy hero and heroine to fall in love with.

“Virna DePaul is amazing!” – NYT Best Seller Lori Foster

Bedding the Biker Next Door by Virna DePaul
Bedding the Bachelors #5

 Jill Jones has good friends, a great job, and a steady amount of dates. What she doesn’t have is a kinky or wild bone in her body—or so she thinks. Then she meets a handsome tattooed biker who lights her on fire. Suddenly she’s saying yes to all sorts of things, starting with a night in bed, no strings attached. 

A security expert, Cole Novak protects others for a living, but he’s weighed down by grief that he couldn’t save the most important person in his life. Then he meets Jill, and for one night she brings color back into his world…only to walk away, plunging him back into the now-familiar darkness. 

Soon Cole discovers that Jill is closer than he realized—living in the very house he plans to sell in order to leave the past behind. With the wild woman of his dreams suddenly the girl next door, will Cole still sell the place and move away, or will he soak in more of Jill and open his heart to hope and love? 

He paused the bottle of beer en route to his mouth so quickly, it sloshed around inside.
She was petite and dark-haired, with big eyes. Light eyes. Not a flashy woman. In fact, some might say she was on the plain side, but that was only if you were stupid enough to discount her delicate, perfectly symmetrical features. She had prominent cheekbones and a long, graceful neck that reminded him of a ballerina, and there was something about the way she talked to her friend—her eyes bright and her hands gesturing wildly—that made him think sweet and wild.
Staring at her, something stirred in his chest. As if she sensed him watching, she glanced over. As their eyes connected across the room, something in Cole’s jeans stirred too, something that hadn’t stirred in a good long time. Just like that, he felt a tug low in his belly, and red-hot need surged through him. His cock twitched and came to life, throbbing in a way that made him catch his breath.
It was a good kind of breathlessness, like the exhilarating rush he experienced while surfing, riding his cruiser, or having fabulous sex. It hadn’t taken a redhead or blonde or the promise of sex in an airplane to remind him of those things, only a lovely, unassuming brunette watching him over her drink with those big, light eyes of hers.
As his body worked overtime, so did his mind—from two different points of view. One urged him not to delay—stop wasting time and go to her, you dick.
But another part of his brain cautioned him—stop being ridiculous, you’re just tired. She didn’t seem the type of woman a guy casually picked up in a bar unless he wanted more from her than one night in bed.
And he didn’t have more to give any woman right now.
Certainly not anytime soon.
Probably not ever.
He had to focus on taking care of his mom’s things. Selling the houses. Expanding his business. And maybe finding out what the fuck was going on with Eric.
That was enough for anyone to handle at the moment.
Deliberately, he turned away and signaled the bartender. He’d have one more drink. Then he’d get the hell out of there.

Virna DePaul is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of steamy, suspenseful fiction. Whether it’s vampires, a Para-Ops team, hot cops or swoon-worthy identical twin brothers, her stories center around complex individuals willing to overcome incredible odds for love. Bedding The Wrong Brother, which begins the Bedding The Bachelors Series, is a #1 Bestselling Contemporary Romance and a USA Today Bestseller.

Virna’s new series, Say You Love Me, focuses on a group of hot young Hollywood heroes and hard-partying rock band bad boys—each on the verge of meeting the girl of his dreams. The series launches with Book 1, Say It Sexy.

She loves to hear from readers at

Virna is giving away lots of goodies!
The contest runs from April 30th until May 7th.

Grand Prize – $25 Gift Card

1st Prize – Two readers will win an
Exclusive Virna DePaul Tote and a print copy of Awakened.

2nd Prize - One lucky reader that comments on one of the participating blogs will win a Hematite necklace.

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Finally, check out Virna's new series, SAY YOU LOVE ME, which focuses on a group of hot young Hollywood heroes and hard-partying rock band bad boys—each on the verge of meeting the girl of his dreams. 


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