Title: Rich Love Series: The Billionaires Club Series Author: Zoe Adams Genre: Adult Romance Released: Available Now Publisher: Limitless Publishing Cover Designer: Robin of Wicked by Design Susanna Marston was educated, married, and widowed young. After the tragic death of her husband she leaves all she knows and heads for the one place that brings her comfort…her family ranch. Her plans take an unexpected turn, however, when she finds Royce lying in the middle of the road after a late night motorcycle accident. Royce Blackwater is wealthy, charming, and has yet to cross paths with a women who doesn’t throw herself at him. So when Susanna’s first instinct is to blow him off, Royce will stop at nothing to win her affection. He goes out of his way to buy a neighbor’s property, and an abandoned goldmine, just to keep Suzanna within his reach. Then opportunity strikes, literally… When Susanna is bit by a ...