Beautiful RUGGED Release Blitz

Release Blitz
Title: Beautiful Rugged
Author: Sara V. Zook
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release: November 29, 2015
beautifulruggedfront synopsis Sometimes us silly girls fantasize about things that never come to be. I had expectations after college—expectations to run off with Jake Larson and start our life together in a little Pennsylvania farm town. I had my happiness mapped out inside my head. I didn’t expect to run into a strange, alluring man with a beard and dark hair stacked up on top of his head. I didn’t expect to be attracted to someone so—different. He was everything I didn’t know existed. He could make me feel things I’d never felt before. It didn’t seem possible that we could be together. We both had obligations. The world told us no, but we couldn’t stay away from one another, couldn’t deny that we were drawn together. He was so beautiful—so beautiful rugged. I was going to make him mine.   buynow  
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This was buy far one of the strangest books I I have read….I meant that in a good way, trust me! Beautifully Rugged was heartwarming and heartbreaking story all at the same time! If you want to get a better understanding of what goes on in Amish Country then you need to read this book. There is a love story within these pages that any normal person could understand but you see another side of things that you don't see from an Amish perspective! This is a great love story and you need to read to understand what I'm saying! Four stars for me!
Sara V. Zook pursued her dream of becoming a writer and after earning her bachelor's degree, sat down to create her first novel in which Strange in Skin was completed in three short months. She's the author of the Strange in Skin Trilogy, Clipped, A Magic Within, Evanescent, Reminiscence, her mobster release, Six Guns, A Chaos Within, and her first contemporary romance, The Pull and its sequel The Push. She resides in Pennsylvania, where she was born and raised, with her husband and three small children. sarapic2 Facebook: Website: Twiiter: @SaraVZook Goodreads:     Other books by Sara: Amazon: thepullcover Amazon: thepushcover Amazon: Six Guns cover   Amazon: magic2 Amazon: chaoscover jomppromotions--


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