Country Dream by Charlene Bright


​She’s ready to slow life down. . .

Kinsley Griffin is a psychologist and best-selling self-help author. Feeling exhausted by her big-city fast-paced life and hearing the call of her childhood home she considers slowing down and reconnecting to her small-town Southern roots when a book tour stop in Tennessee opens a door.

He’s been living his life for his daughter . . .

Jared Adamson is preparing for an empty nest at his Tennessee farm as his 21-year- old daughter prepares for her future and plans her launch into adulthood. A widower of four years, he’s now facing a quiet life of solitude.

A scenic detour leads to a chance meeting . . .

A chance encounter brings them together when Kinsley finds herself needing Jared’s help. As the detour turns into an extended vacation, they discover that life has much more to offer than they knew. But is it wise to start planting roots so soon?  ​


Snippet #1

They turned the horses back toward the barn. The storm was moving faster than expected. They hadn’t made it halfway home when raindrops began to tap their heads. By the time they were at the barn’s entrance, the rain was coming down in sheets. Jared’s hat had deflected most of the rain from his head, but wet clothes clung to both of their bodies.

She hugged her shoulders and felt a strong sense of calm. Unlike most people, she preferred gray, rainy days to sunny ones. The rain put her into a meditative mind and made her feel more in touch with the world. It was cleansing and peaceful. Out of the rain now with the wind blowing into the barn, a chill caused a shiver to ripple down her, and she hugged her arms closer.

Suddenly a warmth radiated into her back and covered her bare arms. She leaned backward into Jared’s chest as he rubbed the cold bare skin of her upper arms. His hands moved down the sides of her arms and traced to her hands. Crossed over each other in front of her, Kinsley’s hands laced themselves into his and she felt his breath on her neck, hot and urgent. He softly touched his lips to her neck and along her collarbone, then to her ear. She turned her face toward him and their lips met, softly at first. When she tentatively pushed her tongue past her lips to taste the rain on his, he groaned against her and pulled her closer, moving his hands to her stomach, where his thumbs brushed upwards to feather along the bottoms of her breasts.

Snippet #2

He stood quickly and grabbed his jeans, pulling them on while looking out the window. Then he turned back and, with an eerily calm tone, said, “Call 911.”

He was grateful that she didn’t waste time asking questions but immediately grabbed her phone and ran to the window, trusting his reaction. He stepped into a pair of boots and ran, bare-chested, down the stairs and out the back door.

The flames were still confined to one area of the barn, but he knew that it would be engulfed soon given how long it would take the fire department to arrive. While he ran toward the burning barn, his eyes glanced around and his mind raced into triage. He was relieved for a second when he remembered the horses had not been put back into the barn after the party. They were the closest to the fire so he shifted on the ball of his foot and ran around the side. Kinsley was right behind him when he reached the fence.

Snippet #3

She looked at the handsome man and decided she had a good reason to put off that last event now.

Maybe Ethel had done her a favor after all. She felt the warmth she had come to accept would be a constant feeling while she was near this man. It pleased her that he was playing along with her.

Her breath caught in her throat and her insides melted. He leaned down to her and she welcomed his kiss, immediately throwing her arms around his neck and pulling herself into his body. Everywhere he touched, it scalded. His kiss was deep, urgent, passionate. His desire for her was strong and obvious in his touch and how closely he held her, as well as the growing hardness pushing into her thigh.
Author Bio

Charlene Bright is the author of several contemporary western romance novels. She’s a lifelong resident of the American South and currently residents in southern Oklahoma on a family-owned cattle ranch. She greets each morning with a hot cup of coffee and an optimistic smile. Traveling to America’s national parks is her favorite pastime. After rearing her two daughters, she and her husband recently became empty- nesters. With the peace and quiet that comes with that, she began to hear the characters in her head begging for their stories to be told which is when the author inside her was set free.

Check Out Her Blog Here >>>


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