Blitz: MORE: A You & Me Novel (You & Me Series Book 2) By Lisa Shelby
MORE: A You & Me Novel
(You & Me Series Book 2)
Lisa Shelby


Mickey Jacobs and Alexandra Stotts have known each other since they were kids. Outwardly, living childhoods full of joy and laughter but privately both experiencing their own kinds of pain and disappointment.
Alex had always been taught what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. The outside world saw her life as idyllic and picture perfect. But of course, things are never what they seem.
After watching his philandering father tear his family apart and break his mother’s heart time and time again, Mick vowed to never cause another person that kind of pain. Keep it simple. No relationships.
But then there was the sweet, exotically beautiful Alex. There was always Alex. With her…things were never simple. She was forbidden fruit. His sister’s friend. Off limits.
Alex was head-over-heels for Mick the moment her twelve-year old eyes landed on him. She knew at this young age that they could never be. Even if he wasn’t her best friend’s brother, he was still Mickey freaking Jacobs. Now, all grown up, Mick is gorgeous, the life of the party and an eternal bachelor. He’ll never be able to give Alex what she needs, and she’s not sure she could risk the pain that giving Mickey Jacobs her heart would surely inflict.
Can Mick and Alex find a way to heal themselves by loving each other?
Can he give her MORE?
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Excerpt #1:
I put my not quite empty beer bottle on the bar and turn to make my way through the crowded dance floor to say goodbye to my best friend. The problem is I can’t move. My feet are frozen to the spot. This just can’t be. She’s only nineteen, how the hell did she get in here? Things here at Lola’s just got a lot more interesting. I tuck myself as far back from the crowd of dancing bodies as I can and settle in to enjoy the show.
This is what I have always done. Watched.
Alex is one of my sister’s best friends and therefore off limits. It doesn’t mean I haven’t lusted for her for years now. There is no denying she is, without a doubt, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She doesn’t look like every other girl in Portland and tonight, just like every time I see her, she stands out from the crowd. The fact that she’s just under six feet tall helps in that department but it’s also her exotic look. Her dad may be whiter than my Irish ass, but her mom’s family is from India. This combination has always made her look somewhat exotic with her light brown skin, long dark hair and dark brown eyes. She looks like she should be wearing a pair of bedazzled wings and be walking down the runway for a freaking Victoria’s Secret runway show.
Watching her out there on the dance floor, singing along to her favorite band, with that rare smile on her face is something to behold. She’s always been so quiet and shy when I’ve been around her. I would hear the girls in Emily’s room giggling hysterically or singing and dancing, but as soon as I would enter the room Alex would always clam up and seemed to be in a constant state of embarrassment. As the girls got older, and a little less giggly, she opened up a bit and would actually talk to me, but she always seemed shy. This is a new side to her that I’ve never seen. I like it.
I know I could ruin her evening and make her leave since she’s clearly not of age, but I’m enjoying the show too much right now. God, she looks good in her tight jeans and that crop top that shows just a sliver of skin. I feel like a perv standing in the background watching her, but this isn’t anything new. I have always watched Alexandra Stotts. She’s the one girl I have always wanted but never had, and I’m a guy who tends to get what I want.
When one of my favorites starts playing, and I see her swinging her hips in a slow motion that matches the beat of the classic Biggie Smalls tune, I find my feet are walking me out onto the dance floor and up behind the hottest ass in a pair of jeans I have ever seen.
I reach her, and just as I do her friend’s eyes widen. I put my finger to my lips and beg her not to say anything with a slow shake of my head. Her friend does me a solid and stops her reaction just in time. Before I know it I’m directly behind Alex, and my hands naturally go to her hips and I start to sway in time with the music. I feel her stiffen and try to turn around but my hands hold her in place. That’s a good sign. I’m glad she doesn’t just let random guys come up and touch her.
Putting my mouth next to her ear I take in the intoxicating smell of her hair before I say, “Alexandra Stotts, funny seeing you here. How old are you again?” I hear her gasp my name as she tries to turn around, but once again I stop her. “Dance with me, Alex, and your secret will be safe with me.”
She turns her head so she can look at me and the moment our eyes meet we’re both transfixed. Damn! There has always been something there, but being this close and having my hands on her has me feeling much more than I ever expected. She tries to say something in protest but I silence her when I say, “Just dance with me, Alex.”
With my order given, she starts to sway to the rhythm again. Within a matter of seconds her ass is gently rubbing on me in a way that I am more than certain gives her an idea of what she’s doing to me. To my surprise her arms come up, and she puts her hands behind my neck and exposes even more of her skin as her shirt lifts. My hands instinctively move to touch her. I leave one hand splayed across her lean stomach and the other I slowly slide up her side and then her arm. I use this move to turn her around so that she’s facing me. We don’t miss a beat and our eyes are locked on each other.
Fuck, she is more than I ever thought she would be. Who knew that the beautiful Alexandra Stotts could move like this? Who knew she could exude sex appeal like she is in this moment? It’s almost like she’s wanted me all these years, just as much as I’ve wanted her. I’m so lost in her eyes, her touch and in the moment, that I don’t even realize that there’s a new song playing. We haven’t changed our rhythm though. She straddles my leg, my arm is around her waist keeping her tight to my body and we continue to move together like we’ve done it a million times before.
It’s starting to get a little warm out here on the dance floor, and as if she’s reading my mind, she pulls her hair up in her hands and cools her neck. Shit, even her neck is sexy as fuck. She drops her hair once again and lets it all fall over one of her shoulders, leaving the other exposed. Not thinking, just acting on natural instinct, I lean down and kiss her neck and its quite possibly the softest skin my lips have ever touched. The moment I touch her, I feel her hands that were on my hips grip my shirt as she takes in a deep breath of air.  Looks like she is just as affected as I am.
All too soon though she breaks the spell when she yells over the baseline that I feel pounding in my chest. “Mick, what are you doing?” I lift my head from my new favorite spot and can’t help but grab her by the back of the neck and rub my thumb over the spot that my lips were just kissing. As soon as our eyes meet, I can see the worry shining back from hers.
“Sorry, Alex, but I have always wanted to do that. I just couldn’t help myself,” I reply honestly into her ear.
Sounding shocked and confused she asks. “What do you mean, Mick? You’ve always wanted to do what?”
Shit, why did I have to open my mouth? I don’t know if it’s because I’ve known her for so long, or if I feel close to her after that night at the hospital, but I don’t seem able to lie to her when I say, “I’ve always wanted to touch you, Alex. You’ve always been that forbidden fruit that I knew I wasn’t allowed to taste. I couldn’t resist you tonight.”
“You’ve always wanted to touch me?” She looks beyond confused and is looking at me like I have three heads. Okay, she may be sexy as shit but she is cute as hell too.

Excerpt #2

He stands in my doorway with his hands in his pockets, his chest heaving up and down but silent.

“Mick, what’s the matter? What’s happened?”

“You. That’s what happened, Alex. I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this. I know that you said that you
wanted to keep things the way they are but I know you don’t mean it. You want me just as badly as I want you
and you can’t keep denying it. I know you, Alex. I can see your body react and hear your breath catch when I
brush up against you. You know you want this just as badly as I do and I’m here to prove that to you.”

He rushes through the door and kicks it shut with his foot. I can feel the built up tension radiate off his body as
he stalks me like his prey. Before I know it, my back is against the wall and he’s standing in front of me but not
touching me. His chest is still heaving up and down and he almost seems angry.

“Alex, don’t say no.” His hand comes up to my face as he gently holds my cheek in his hand and lightly drags
his thumb over my bottom lip. My breath hitches as I await his next move. I don’t have to wait long as his hand
moves to push my hair behind my ear. After my hair is in place he leisurely takes his forefinger and barely skims
the skin of my neck, down to my collarbone, over my heart and to my breast.
You & Me (You & Me Series Book 1)

Lisa Shelby is a contemporary romance author who calls the Pacific Northwest home where she resides with her husband, their son and two dogs. Reading has been an obsession and writing has been a secret passion of hers. It was that passion that led her on the journey to write a book for her husband. What began as a gift turned into an inspiration of love, and with the encouragement of family and friends the desire to share that love with everyone.
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