Fight for Me Promo

Title:  Fight For Me
Author:  Kaithlin Shepherd
Release Date:  April 22, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Cowboy Romance
Series:  Callaway Series #3
Cover Designer:  Claire Smith 
Publisher:  Hot Tree Publishing

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The responsible brother, John Callaway, spends most of his days locked away in his office, crunching numbers and placing orders. When a mysterious brunette rolls into town, he is immediately drawn to her. For a year, John has worked hard at earning her trust, hoping one day she’ll lower her walls enough to let him in.

Finally finding a home in Montana, Abby Johnson is the happiest she’s ever been working at the diner and spending time with the one person who’s shown her that good men exist. When her past catches up with her, Abby will have to trust the man she’s grown to care for to keep her safe, or she’ll risk losing everything.

Will her secret push John away or will Abby realize that love is always worth fighting for?

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Kaithlin Shepherd is the author of The Callaway Series, The Brass Series and The Saints and Sinners series. 

Born and raised in Canada by a working single mom and a loving grandmother, Kaithlin surrounded herself with novels by Danielle Steele and Nora Roberts provided by her grandmother. Kaithlin quickly fell in love with reading. It was in high school, thanks to an English teacher, that Kaithlin wrote her first story (although if you ask for it, she will deny ever writing it) about a popular boy band. Inspired by constructive criticism, Kaithlin spent some time developing her love affair with words through more reading than someone would think possible.

After pursuing a higher education, Kaithlin sat down with a pen and paper and decided to give writing a shot. With no false hope in mind, her first novel, Make Me Whole, slowly came to life. Putting fear and doubt aside, Kaithlin has published five books to date, and has eleven more set to be published in the next two years.

Fueled by coffee and a wild imagination, Kaithlin spends her days working her day job (we’ll leave you wondering) and her nights writing love stories with a little side of sexiness.

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