Binding Curse
by T.F. Walsh


He's the key to stopping the murders, but only if she can save him.
A terrifying darkness has risen and is sweeping Kutia Hollow, leaving dead bodies in its wake. Luna Vale, a fae militia lieutenant in post-apocalyptic Moscow, discovers evidence that a criminal holds the answer to stopping the murders. Except those in charge at the precinct are corrupt. She's determined to protect everyone from extinction and breaks Axel out of prison.

Devastated to be on the run from her former friends and colleagues, she must now work together with Axel before the killers close in on them. But time is running out, and falling for Axel only heightens the dangers. To survive, Luna must find strength in her arcane powers and confront the cursed creatures whose malevolence knows no bounds. Failure isn't an option. Not when it means losing her family, her job, and her life.

Fans of Ilona Andrews and Kelly Meding will devour this thrilling, fast-paced, conflict-ridden urban fantasy from T.F. Walsh.

Available on Amazon!

Excerpt #1
I bolted for my life, handcuffed to a guy built like a mountain. Sure, he might be eye candy, but he’d throw me over a cliff if he got the chance. I mean, everyone in Kutia Hollow had secrets but most of them didn’t get people killed. I suspected Mountain Man’s could. Maybe cuffing myself to him wasn’t such a great idea.
Heaviness sank within me. Why were the attackers at the campsite so determined to murder the man next to me? Especially since it was considered a double homicide.
The last time my deception radar went off with such ferocity, I found a fae chained in a basement in the town of Podolsk. Turned out, a gang was selling fae blood to the highest bidders. Ingesting it in high doses worked as a drug—uppers that made the users float through euphoria, confidence, and energy. But after a binge, the hangover struck, and dependency owned them. Another reason faes kept within the confines of the Moscow wall.
Up ahead, the city shone. I hit the dusty ground with each step, but behind us the drumming footfalls grew closer.
I tried to pick up speed, but Mountain Man lagged.
When a siren wailed through the night, I focused on the blue and red light throbbing in the distance. The cavalry! About freaking time. Two patrol cars steered toward us through the dark flatlands. A sense of satisfaction brought a glimmer of optimism to me as I pictured them catching the attacking faes.
The guy on my cuffs pulled against his restraints.

Excerpt #2
I stood at the front of Peace Protection Division headquarters. A red building, flanked by jagged towers and white cornices, it reminded me of a crown dripping with blood. I turned to Axel, still handcuffed to me. His hooded gaze darkened. Whenever the police chief discovered we had a wanted criminal at the precinct, he would insist on injecting a detector into his neck. That would alert us the moment he left the city. He’d be forced to spend years within the walls, checking in with a PPD officer several times a week. Except, I’d promised Axel his freedom for information, and that meant he wouldn’t get tagged. Problem was my boss changed regulations as often as it snowed during summer in Moscow. Never!
“Axel, let’s make this quick. Answer all our questions, and don’t play hard to get.”
He cocked an eyebrow and half smirked. His gaze dipped to the name badge on my chest. “Listen, Luna Vale. I’ve already played your game, and you’ve given me nothing back. I don’t trust you or the PPD to keep your word.”
“I’ll convince my boss to overlook your records,” I continued, certain that if I explained we had a clue as to who was killing everyone, he’d have to pay attention.
Axel said nothing more, his stoic expression locked in place. Spotlights cast shadows beneath his eyes. If we were standing outside a local club instead of PPD headquarters, I’d consider letting him buy me a drink. His stubbled, square jawline added to the allure, along with his strong cheekbones. Axel’s rugged appearance spiked my pulse. Coupled with his dark hair blowing in the breeze, I could stare for hours. And for those few seconds, I lost myself.
“Don’t do me any favors.” Loathing coated his words, slicing through my fantasy and reminding me what had happened the last time I went there. The shit with my ex still tightened my gut. No one ought to walk in on their partner fucking his work colleague. We’d been together a full year. Prick. Whatever. My focus was now on protecting the community and stopping the killings.
“Well, either cooperate, or you’ll end up with a tracking device. Your choice.”

Author Bio:
USA Today Bestselling Author, T.F. Walsh emigrated from Romania to Australia at the age of eight and now lives in a regional city south of Sydney with her husband. Growing up hearing dark fairytales, she's always had a passion for reading and writing horror, paranormal romance, urban fantasy and young adult stories. She balances all the dark with light fluffy stuff like baking and traveling.

She writes Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy.

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