Well Built BOOK TOUR


Well Built a sexy new second chance standalone from Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde is available NOW!


Well Built by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde Publication Date: July 25th

Genre: Contemporary Romance


When it comes to women, sexy, well-built Kyle Coleman has always been a lover, not a fighter. His one exception? The tempting, beautiful Ella Fisher. Her family and his share a tempestuous past, which make the two of them as a couple off-limits—despite the fact that she inspires some of his dirtiest fantasies. He's kept his hands off of her for years . . . until the lines between family loyalty and lust become irrevocably blurred one fateful evening and changes everything between them.


Dan Briggs, the auctioneer in charge of today's sale, arrived and took his place in front of the small crowd. Less than a minute later, Kyle caught sight of Ella walking out of the connecting market, a bright, self-assured smile on her face and a sassy pep to her step, as if this piece of property was already hers and this auction was just a formality. His gut clenched at what he was about to do to her, but he couldn’t let himself be deterred by an emotion such as guilt. Without looking at who was gathered to watch the sale, she walked up to Dan and spoke to him for a few moments, even laughing at something he said, though Kyle couldn't hear their conversation. But he did have a clear view of Ella, and he took advantage of the opportunity to really study her without her guard being up, as he knew it would be as soon as he topped her first bid. It had been years since the last time he'd seen her. In high school, she'd been a pretty girl, with a lithe body that had tempted him to indulge in all sorts of sin. She’d had a sweet innocence about her that had effortlessly drawn him in. She was still slender with graceful long legs, but her curves were more pronounced and womanly. Her fitted jeans emphasized the alluring dip of her waist along with the tight shape of her spectacular ass. She was wearing a light blue T-shirt with Fisher's Grocery printed across her chest, and it didn't escape Kyle's notice that the breasts that had once been small swells of flesh were now firm and full and would overflow in his big hands in the best possible way. Her delicate features had matured, but she still possessed that natural beauty that didn't require any cosmetics or enhancements. Judging by the loose braid hanging halfway down her back, she'd let her once-shoulder-length style grow quite a few inches, and he found himself wondering how those chestnut strands would look completely unconfined, and if her hair was still as soft and silky as he remembered. Something in his belly tightened, and he recognized it as attraction and desire, even after all this time. If Ella were anyone else, or a woman he'd seen at a bar in the city, he would have already been working his way toward her to introduce himself and to see if the chemistry was reciprocated. And from there, he'd buy her a drink, they'd talk a bit, and he'd get a feel for if she was up for a mutual night of pleasure. Kyle killed that line of thinking. As much as Ella still tempted him, he was pretty certain that she'd knee him in the balls before she'd ever date him again. Especially after she learned he was going to be her new business neighbor.


Well Built was aptly named and the characters are to cute for words. Two people after the same building what could go wrong? Right? Kyle has fantasized about Ella, but it's time to take things into his own hands and make sure what he has put into motion doesn't effect him emotionally. Ella has plans that she wants to succeed more than her father, more than her sister. She's stuck in a life she didn't think she would be living, but she doesn't  have a choice. When a blast from her past comes into town and turns everything upside down it's not sparks that will fly. It's words that have been kept hidden, it's a love like no other, and it's a past that will destroy the future she has always wanted. When Kyle and Ella come together things are hot and steamy, yet they are still walking on egg shells. Can the past be forgiven and can they move on?


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Meet Carly Phillips:

Carly Phillips is the N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of over 50 sexy contemporary romance novels, including the Indie published, Dare to Love Series. She is happily married to her college sweetheart, the mother of two nearly adult daughters and three crazy dogs. Carly loves social media and is always around to interact with her readers.

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Karen & Janelle Promo Photo

Meet Erika Wilde:

Erika Wilde (aka Janelle Denison) is the USA Today bestselling author of over 50 contemporary romances for multiple print publishers.

Connect with Erika:

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