Santa has a special unit of elves dedicated to those on the naughty list. I'm one of them. My name's Adam, and Celeste has been assigned to me. I have three days to show her the error of her ways and help her redeem herself before she's marked permanently Naughty.

She'll fight me, she'll struggle, but in the end I will win. Even if I have to use every implement in my arsenal, Celeste will find her way to the nice list.

Measha Stone is an international bestselling author of erotic romance. She’s had #1 top-selling books in BDSM, and suspense. She lives in the western suburbs of Chicago with her husband and children, who are just as creative and crazy as her. Her vanilla writing has been published in numerous literary magazines, but she’s found her passion in erotic romance. She loves reading it, writing it, and living it whenever possible.


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