The bestselling fantasy romance continues!

Title: Lost Wolf
Series: New Dawn #4
Genre: YA Fantasy Romance (Shifter Romance)
Cover Designer: Creation Inspire
Editor: Hot Tree Editing
$1.99 SALE
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2UzQFA9
The alliance holds strong after the last attack, but bad blood threatens to jeopardize the treaty and test the bonds formed between the River Run and Dark Shadow packs.

Tyler never meant for one night of fun to turn into a secret relationship, yet he can’t… won’t give Regan up, even if it means lying to his alpha or leaving the pack that is his home. His family.

Regan felt the spark between her and Tyler from the start. He woke her from a half-life, pulling her from the darkness of her past, which threatens to extinguish the love between them before it has a chance to begin.

Lines are being blurred, allegiances tested, and as hearts break and tears fall, will Tyler and Regan’s love bring them all together or be a step too far and destroy the packs for good?

Tyler had literally just collapsed onto his bed after a long day and an extra shift on the late afternoon patrol when there was a faint knock at his door. Too tired to even bother moving or scent who it was, Tyler mumbled, “Yeah?”
I’m not doing another shift, he thought as the door opened and closed as quietly as the knock was sounded. Tyler forced himself to lift his head and see who’d entered; he’d expected whomever it was to open the door and speak, not silently sneak in.
He did a double take. Sitting up, Tyler rubbed at his eyes just to be sure he wasn’t imagining her. “Regan?”
She smiled softly but didn’t speak a word.
“Shush.” Regan brought her finger to her lips as she spoke, stepping toward him and climbing onto his bed.
Tyler’s words were cut off as Regan’s mouth connected with his. Her body pinned him to the bed, her hips straddling him as her hands pushed him backward. Suddenly fueled with energy as his blood pounded through his veins, hunger stirring in his soul. He’d stopped waiting by the stream, but never once had he given up his hopes of having her again, of seeing her smile, of feeling her soft body on his.
Questions needed to be answered, feelings discussed, but all of it could wait. The whole world could wait for all Tyler cared because she’d come to him. She was here, and in that moment, his.© Rachel M Raithby

Rachel M. Raithby started her writing career in 2013 and hasn't looked back. She draws her inspiration from the many places she has lived and traveled, as well as from her love of the paranormal and thriller movies. She can often be found hiding out with a good book or writing more fast-paced and thrilling stories where love always conquers all. A Brit who left the UK in 2008, she resides in a quiet town in New Zealand with her 4 children.

Connect with Rachel here: www.rachelmraithby.com 

Her books include best sellers - Winter Wolf, Wolf Dancer, and Wolf Sight (The New Dawn Novels) and the paranormal romance, The Deadwood Hunter series, and novellas Death's Echo & Beast Within.

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