Title: My Blue (Love Never Forgets, Duet, Book 1) 
Author: Emery Jacobs 
Genre: Contemporary Romance Release 
Date: July 18, 2019 
Cover Designer: Amy Queau with Queau Designs 
Photographer for front cover: Paul Henry Serres Photography 
Photographer for back cover: Wander Aguiar Photography 

For most of my life, Ella Blue had been by my side. My best friend. My whole world. Then she vanished. Without a trace. I didn’t know how to move on without her, but I knew in my heart I’d never let her go—I’d wait for her forever.
Ella Blue
For me, no time has passed. I have no clue what happened to the last eight years of my life. I have no memories of a life without Leo. He’s always been my one constant. And now I’m stuck in the past, trying to figure out if we can find our way back to each other. How can I move forward when I don’t know what I’m leaving behind? Ella and Leo must rediscover their love—a once-in-a-lifetime love…for the second time.

Kindle Unlimited


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Emery grew up in Southern Arkansas and has lived most of her adult life in Northern Louisiana. She spends her days working as a Nurse Practitioner in rural health and her nights reading, writing, and occasionally sleeping.
She loves real life romance…lots of angst and heartbreak, but always a happy ending.


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