Title: The Billionaire Rocks Series: Sutton Billionaires #4 Author: Lori Ryan Genre: Billionaire Romance Release Date: March 31, 2020 Blurb With her secrets about to come out and her career on the brink of disaster, she turns to the one man who might understand. Pop star PJ Cantrell's life and career are threatened when an angry blackmailer uncovers the truth about her hidden past. PJ knows it has to be someone close, someone she trusts. That makes the betrayal hurt all the more. She turns to long-time friend Gabe Sawyer for help but finds more than she bargained for. As she quickly discovers she wants more from him than friendship and support, she has to wonder what he'll think of her when he finally learns the truth about her past. Gabe Sawyer is ready for a change. He’s built an empire in the hotel industry, but it’s time for him to find something to bring back the passion he once felt for his work. He’s tired of living in hot...