Everything I Have Cover Reveal

Everything I Have (Book 3) by Natalie Barnes
Release Date July 28th


I fucked up.

This wasn't supposed to happen, not now, not ever! I think? Shit. I don't
know what to think anymore.

These last two years have turned my life upside down. Right when I finally
think I have everything going exactly
how I want it, something always fucking
happens. But this something is not so
easily forgotten. Part of me wishes it
could be, but the other...wants this
more than anything. I have never been
so scared in my entire life as I am
right now.

I feel so alone.

He won't want this. He won't want me.
But what if?
What fucking if? He does...
Tristan, I'd give this part of me for


Everything I Have Full Cover.jpg

Giveaway: 3 e-copies of Everything I Want

Everything I Want ( Book 1)
Buy Link: EVERYTHING I WANT ➜ http://amzn.to/1HfcEUe

Everything I Need (Everything I Want 2)
Buy Link: EVERYTHING I NEED ➜ http://amzn.to/1H93Fme

Author Links:

Photographer: Picture This Photography & Design Model: Natalie Barnes


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