GAME ON Release Blitz

Title: Game On
Author: Katie McCoy
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: October 21, 2015


Rule of reporting 101-- don't bang your subject.

Sophie Hall has just gotten the opportunity of a lifetime--to profile Nathan Ryder, the hottest baseball player since A-Rod, for her first solo assignment as a reporter. Rumor has it Nathan is going to be drafted to the Major league, and yet he still fits an intense training regime around volunteering at a animal shelter. He's a prodigy with a heart of gold, as American as apple pie and has an ass that deserves a trophy all its own. He may be the country's heartthrob, but Sophie isn't going to fall for that. She just has to remain objective and cover the story.

But she didn't bet on Nathan's gorgeous green eyes or the way his arms flex with muscle when he's holding a bat. And she certainly didn't think he'd be witty and smart and caring. Nathan is completely untouchable, but she can't help it if those lingering gazes turn into something more. How could she not fall at the thought of the hottest guy she's ever met devoting his limited free time to saving puppies?

When Sophie's scoop turns into Nathan's scandal, Nathan needs her more than ever. With both of their careers on the line will they strike out - or hit a home run?

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Author Bio

Katie McCoy is a self proclaimed sushi addict, Cardinals baseball fanatic, and lover of all things theatrical. A St. Louis native transplanted to Brooklyn, she acts, sings, and shakes her booty when she isn't writing books about hot men and the girls who love them.

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I totally loved this book it was a 5 stars for me all the way. I loved the story of Sophie Hall a journalist who has to interview the most sought after pitcher Nathan Ryder. When the two meet Nathan is always on his toes doesn't want anything to come out in the papers, but his attraction is love at first sight. Now most don't believe it in but in baseball its all about the numbers. As Sophie tries her hardest to get him to talk Nathan will do anything to deter her. This is a sweet and sassy story of love, craziness, and a fellow journalist who is a complete tool. Jealousy will come into play, but it's funny and sweet at the same time. Read about these two adorable people. And hot guys in a baseball uniform.


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