Champ & Lauren Cover Reveal


Title: Champ & Lauren
Series: Crusaders MC #2.5
Author: L. Grubb
And Tara.
Release Date: TBC


Lauren and Champ have a life set up, ready to settle down together as a unit. But with Christmas around the corner, and danger lurking in the background, will Christmas me one to celebrate? Or will heartbreak and despair take over?

A Mafia drug lord is making himself known to small MC club, LA Rebels. But with not enough man power to handle such a fuck up, will the Crusaders cruise in to save the day? 

The turn of events isn’t what Lauren expected, she’s frustrated with lack of communication between her and her man, will she stay with Champ or will she finally give in and walk away? Will she be able to cope with the devastation that is upon them?

*** WARNING ***
18+ only, sexual content and graphic violence present in this novella.

Author Bio:
Lucii is a your typical British girl, hates the sun and hibernates when summer arrives! She lives at home with her 3 year old daughter, where they spend the day watching Frozen and playing playdoh.

She started off as a regular person, job, home life, health issues and a love of reading. After reading the Fifty shade phenomenon, she went onto social media to seek other authors writing the same or similar genres. She entered a world she didn’t know existed and went to open a successful blog.

Inspiring dreams took a back burner, while she learned the book community and met a bunch of amazing authors and readers alike.

A year later she decided to start writing, hoping against hope that her friends and fellow readers will like what she brings to the table.

Stalker links:

Other books in the series:

An Honest Mistake (Crusaders MC #1)

The Last Betrayal (Crusaders MC #2)

photo Lucii Grubb Personal Assistant, Author PA Services | w: 4 Attachments


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