Fireworks Release

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Book: Fireworks
Series: Soul Scorchers MC #4
Author: C.L. Riley
Genre: MC Romance
Hosted By: Francessca’s Romance Reviews


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Boone Richards

Olympia Olsen is exactly where she belongs, but I’m not sure she believes it.

I infiltrated my enemy’s compound to bring her back into my life, before almost losing her a second time. Now I finally have what I want...sort of. It’s hard to enjoy mind-blowing sex and sweet, tender love when your club is in chaos, your brothers at odds, and your father is fighting just to survive. Let’s not forget the man who tortured my girl has gone into hiding and left me to pick up the shattered shards from her broken heart.

After all she’s endured, I’m not sure she wants the outlaw lifestyle I’ve always embraced. She is old lady material, through and through. I have no doubt. The question is: Does she believe it? The bigger question: Does she want it?

After all the insanity, I’m ready for some serious, f%#cking fireworks, the kind that dazzle your mind and send chills down your spine. I can only hope Olympia’s by my side to enjoy them.

Olympia Olsen.

Boone Richards came for me, now he’s determined to rescue me…from myself.

The question is: Will I let him? He’s everything I’ve always wanted, so it should be an easy answer; but it’s not. My body screams yes, yet my mind isn’t convinced. As the new Soul Scorcher’s President, Boone’s MC is his priority. He needs a strong woman at his side — a fierce female not afraid to speak her mind, a woman who will love both him and his young boys without reservation. Can that be me?

I won’t lie. I’ve never wanted a man more, but there’s never been so much at stake. I’m a woman who has been through the scorching fire and come out alive, but until the arsonist and my abductor are dead or behind bars, I’m a target. I can’t let the ones I love most get caught in the crossfire.

I’ve lived through a firetrap, a firefight, and survived the firestorm. I’m so f%&king ready to enjoy some fireworks with Boone by my side.

Fireworks is the fourth and final installment in the Scorched Souls Serial-Series. It should NOT be read as a standalone. You will want to read Firetrap (book one), Firefight (book two), and Firestorm (book three) first. Each book builds on the previous installment. The information in the prior books is crucial to understanding the next. This fourth book contains a long-time-coming HEA. Hope you enjoy the conclusion to Boone and Olympia’s story!

Please be advised: The entire Scorched Souls Series is for readers 18 and older due to sexual content, violence, language, and dark subject matters. You have been warned. There are BDSM elements in all four books.

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“You ready?” Olympia rested her hand on my thigh, igniting a spark only her touch could create.
I was propelled from my worry-session back to the present moment, where I needed to keep my attention focused.

Olympia’s BMW was parked in a visitors’ space close to the entrance, the engine off. A handful of Harleys stood out from the long rows of vehicles – cages, in biker-speak. Not one car compared to the Hogs with their chrome gleaming in the morning sun, making me wish I was on my bike with Olympia pressed against my back, arms secured around me, roaring down the highway and devouring the pavement like a hungry beast.

How fucked up was it that she’d only ever ridden with me on my street bike?

I was the acting president for a one-percent MC and my bitch had never been on my Harley. I actually chuckled in spite of the fucked up situation, although the sound was hollow.
“Did I miss the joke?”
“No, babe. No joke. Just thinking.” I heaved my large frame from the confining front seat and rolled my shoulders. “Let’s do this.”
“Are you going to tell me?” She sounded annoyed and tired, slamming her door harder than necessary.
“Just thinking about how you still haven’t been on my Harley. Something unheard of considering my feelings for you.”
She moved to my side and took my hand. “I’m not going anywhere. We’ll ride once this storm is over.”
I didn’t voice my next thought.

What if the storm never stopped? What if happiness remained some elusive dream?
I might not deserve happiness, but Olympia sure as fuck did. Maybe I was holding her back from a better life. The idea I should give her up crossed my mind, but only for a second.

I was selfish sonofabitch, and I’d been waiting for a woman like Olympia my entire life. Giving her up wasn’t an option. She was mine and I wanted to make sure she knew it. I needed inside her – now. My vow to wait suddenly seemed like a prison sentence.
Perhaps an early release was in order.

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Other Books In the Series

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About The Author

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C.L. Riley is an author with four books to her credit...under a different name. A name she intends to keep top secret for an extended moment. (If you know the "real" C.L., keep it hush-hush, please!) And, no, she's not a huge, blockbuster author with a seven figure book contract, though she'd be all right with that. Who wouldn't?

She loves to read almost anything but has a major soft spot for broken, bad boy, alpha males, and has found a new love for MC (biker) romances. She enjoys reading and writing dark fantasy, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, erotic suspense, new adult romance, young adult...Whoa! Let's slow it down! After all, space is limited. Clearly, she is fond of reading and writing an array of stories.

As a little girl, she was obsessed with genies (and their bottles) and grew up watching Barbara Eden's I Dream of Jeannie. In her latest book, Bottle Banished: Dreaming of Genie, Ms. Riley has created a delicious mix of fantasy served up dark; steamy sex with those bad boys she likes so much; plenty of magical mayhem; and what she hopes are a few good giggles and laughs. She also includes a variety of references to pop-culture, past and present. Think Funyuns! And don't forget love and romance, rough around the edges, of course, are major ingredients to her mouthwatering recipe!

As you might imagine, she is WISHING you would join her on her latest genie journey. Climb on that magic carpet and get ready for one hell of a ride!

You can Find out more about CL Riley here:



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