Title: Bad Billionaires After Dark: Dylan
Author: Melissa Foster 
Genre: Steamy Adult Romance
Release Date: December 21, 2016
Bad Billionaires After Dark are a series of stand-alone hot and sexy romances.
Indulge your inner vixen with these sexy billionaires!
Meet the Bad Boys... Four fiercely loyal, sinfully sexy, uber alpha brothers, about to fall head over heels for their leading ladies.
Everything's naughtier after dark...
Sinfully sexy bar owner Dylan Bad has a thing for needy women. He's a savior, a knight in shining armor, and his mighty talented sword has no trouble bringing damsels in distress to their knees. Enter Tiffany Winters, a gorgeous cutthroat sports agent who looks like sex on legs, f**ks like she's passion personified, and wouldn't let a man help her if she were dangling from a ledge and he was her only hope. One night and too much tequila might change their lives forever. The question is, will either one survive?
Carson (coming soon)
Brett (coming soon)
More After Dark books:
The BILLIONAIRES AFTER DARK series is part of the LOVE IN BLOOM big family romance collection. Each book may be read as a stand-alone novel, or as part of the series.
"Filled with humor, romance, family, and love. This one is not to be missed..." ~Between the Bookends
"Sex, secrets and pride are as destructive as any explosive. Dylan needed to heal himself before he could offer help to anyone else. Dylan can be described in two words. Wickedly good." ~Isha Coleman Reviews, Goodreads
"​With her wonderful characters and resonating emotions, Melissa Foster is a must-read author!" ~NYT Bestseller Julie Kenner​
"Melissa Foster is synonymous with sexy, swoony, heartfelt romance!" ~NYT Bestseller Lauren Blakely​

Dylan Bad is the man every women wishes she had. He's loving, emotional, caring, and loves to leave little gifts. When his eye lands on Tiffany Winters his whole world explodes with Sunshine. He will do whatever it take to break down her walls and let her summer shine through. Tiffany Winters is a hard-ass sports agent who doesn't have time for anything other than a one-night stand. What she doesn't have time for is Dylan. But that won't stop him from getting under her skin. But she know that at some point Dylan will get tire of her job coming between them. It's not a matter of if it's a matter of when. Can she fall in love? Can Dylan break her walls down and keep her?

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance, new adult romance (M/F, M/M, F/F), romantic suspense, thrillers, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa's emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented. Her books have been recommended by USA Today's book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the World Literary Café. When she's not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on Fostering Success.
Melissa has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Her interests include her family, reading, writing, painting, friends, helping others see the positive side of life, and visiting Cape Cod.
Melissa is available to chat with book clubs and welcomes comments and emails from her readers. Visit Melissa on Facebook or her personal website.
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  1. Thanks for taking the time to read and review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Dylan's story XOXO

  2. Oh I loved it. I can't wait to read the others.


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