Falling for Santa release Blitz

Falling for Santa
Elin lived an ordinary life. She worked each day and went home each night. She didn't feel like life was too bad, but knew there could be more.

Every Christmas, Elin worked at the mall playing Santas elf. She loved helping the children and the mall discount wasn't bad either. But when Davis started playing Santa this year, everything changed.

From the moment she first saw him, his deep voice and toned body ignited a fire inside Elin. When she got to know him, he blew her away with his gentle demeanor and sense of humor. But one question nagged at her...

Would he ever feel the same way?

Because one thing was certain, she had fallen for Santa.
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Well Davis can be my Santa any day of the week! I wish all relationships could be that dreamy! Wow, a perfect love story at the perfect time of year! Laura I'm glad your back I've missed your writing! 5 stars


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