Tempt ME Twice Now Live!!!

Tempt Me Twice
by Eden Bradley
Contemporary menáge m/m/f with a little spanking
In this greatly expanded and rewritten version of one of New York Times Bestseller Eden Bradley’s fan favorites can a romp in the woods with two sexy men turn into a lasting love with her best friend?
Jessie has been in love with her bisexual best friend, Paul, since college. But he’s never made a move on her, and they both value the friendship too much to take any risks with it—or so she believes.
When Paul and his stunning sometime lover Noah coerce Jessie into coming along on a camping trip to Lake Tahoe, she tries to refuse, but their will is stronger than hers. She ends up in a tent in the woods with the two gorgeous men, living out the ultimate female fantasy as their first night turns into a heated tangle of bodies that continues for days.
Jessie knows the intensely erotic—and intensely emotional—experience must come to an end when the trip is over, but when it does, will she lose her best friend, or can friendship turn into something more?


Paul helped her to her feet, and his hand on hers was an electric shock—that jolting, that hot.
“Whoa, Jess. Hang on.”
“I’m fine. Just have a nice little buzz going.”
He grinned at her. “Maybe more than a little.”
“Maybe.” She grinned back, her body heating all over as he looped an arm around her waist.
A strong, muscular arm, and oh God, the way he smelled!
They moved to the tent, and Noah held the flap back for them. It was a large tent, almost tall enough for Paul to stand up in. Noah was already spreading out their sleeping bags, Paul’s in the middle. Jessie sat down on hers to take off her shoes.
Paul stretched, reaching out to ruffle Noah’s blond hair. “Anyone else tired?”
“A little sleepy from the wine maybe,” Jessie said.
“Me, too. A little.” Noah pulled his shirt over his head, revealing tight abs and a wide chest. A Japanese-style tsunami wave curved over one shoulder. She could make out his muscle tone even in the dim light of the single lantern they’d taken into the tent with them, and it was spectacular. He was spectacular.
It only made her wish that she had her own tent—because how could Paul not want to have sex with him tonight? But even from a neighboring tent, if she had to lie there listening to them have sex, it would be torture.
Paul stripped his shirt off, too. She’d seen him without a shirt before, but it was something she never got over. The lean lines of his body, his smooth skin, his dark nipples surrounded by a sprinkling of black hair. She wanted to put her mouth there, to suck. She wanted to put her mouth everywhere.
She curled her hands into fists, pulling in a deep breath, but it was filled with the scent of two hot men edged with pine and fresh night air, a heady combination.
Stop it. Time to sleep.
The men stripped down to their boxer-briefs as she knelt on her sleeping bag, pretending she didn’t notice. But it was impossible not to notice. Both were hard, both with impressive erections under the dark cotton. She squeezed her thighs tightly, her sex burning with need.
Oh yeah. Gonna die.
Paul glanced at her. “You’re not sleeping in your clothes, are you, Jess? It’s too hot.”
“Um…I guess not.”
She shrugged, wiggled out of her jeans, leaving her in her tank top and underwear. She tried to pretend they weren’t all nearly naked together. As Paul lay down on the sleeping bag next to hers, she could swear she felt the heat from his big body, his scent warm on the night air, and more faintly, Noah’s scent, fresh and all male.
How was she ever going to get to sleep?
When Paul leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, she had to bite her tongue to keep from groaning aloud.
“’Night, Jess.”
“Sleep well,” Noah said.
She lay in the near-dark, moonlight casting shadows inside the tent, doubting she’d ever get to sleep as she listened to the rhythm of the two men breathing and the crickets chirping in the night. It was hot in the tent, and they were all laid out on top of their sleeping bags. She was far too aware of the two bodies next to her. Far too awake, despite the wine.
Squeezing her eyes closed, she tried to shut her mind off, trying to rid it of the images of Paul and Noah, the two of them touching each other. Touching her. But they kept coming, one sensual flash after another, until she was soaking wet, fighting to hold still, to keep her hand from creeping between her thighs, spreading her pussy lips apart to find the hard nub of her clit and bringing herself to a much-needed orgasm. But with the two guys right there and not even the sleeping bag to cover her, all she could do was bite back a moan.
There was a soft sound next to her, and she turned her head. Paul had his back to her, and she could see Noah’s hand resting on his side, then moving down, over the hard muscle of his buttocks.  She could barely make out much more than their silhouettes, the shadows of hands, but she could tell they had them all over each other, stroking slowly.
Seriously? They were going to do this with her right there? There hadn’t even been time for her to fall asleep!
Kill me now.
© Eden Bradley 2016

New York Times &  USA Today Bestselling author Eden Bradley writes dark, edgy erotica and erotic romance for Berkley Heat (as both Eden Bradley and Eve Berlin), Bantam/Delta, Harlequin Spice and HQN, and Samhain Publishing, as well as indie publishing. Two of her books have been Romantic Times Top Picks, and her novel FORBIDDEN FRUIT was profiled in Cosmopolitan Magazine's Red Hot Reads column in 2008. More recently her BDSM book THE DARK GARDEN hit the top paperback fiction charts in the UK. She has received or been nominated for numerous awards, including the Holt Medallion and the Passionate Plume, and several of her books have been RT Book Reviews Top Picks. Her books have been translated into German, French, Romanian, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Polish, Indonesian and Japanese.
As someone who has been involved in BDSM practice for much of her adult life, she relates in particular to her BDSM and kink stories, infusing them with her own truth about kink practice from her life experiences.
Eden has appeared regularly on Playboy Radio's 'Night Calls' and the Hollywood In the Flesh readings. She loves art, shoes, tattoos, her Boston Terrier puppy, reading smutty books, chocolate and sex, of course, not necessarily in that order.

Author Web & Social Media links:
Eden’s FB group with authors Sierra Cartwright and Jenna Jacob: Dirty Minds Social Club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1110214502406798/
Eden’s Pinterest boards: http://www.pinterest.com/edenandeve /
**Sign up for Eden’s newsletter and be sure not to miss all her latest book news, special contests, appearances and sneak peeks!
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