Until Malcolm Knight set his eyes upon that curvy cherub of a Christmas elf in his department store’s Santa’s Village, Christmas meant nothing to him except what it did for the bottom line. Now, his Scrooge is melting away along with thoughts of if her sugar-plums taste as good as they look.

Penny Evergreen lives for Christmas. When her parents send her to New York for a month-long training to relieve the piano prodigy of her paralysing stage fright, she takes one look at the elaborate Christmas Village at the prestigious Knight & Knight department store, and she hatches a holiday plan of her own.

Will these two star-crossed opposites attract? Or will their deceptions be the end of this holiday fairy tale before it has a chance to take off?

Author’s Note: Grab your candy canes and sit in front of the fire. This sugary sweet Christmas story will warm your heart and melt your panties. This May-December quick holiday romance is sure to have you asking Santa for some Malcolm of your very own. Complete insta-everything, safe and always a happy ending. Or two. Or ten

My vision is filled with a thousand twinkling lights as I glance over my shoulder to see Malcolm’s enormous form to the side of me.  He’s got one arm outstretched behind my back, not touching me—not yet—but I feel where his hand hovers in the air just above my back side.  It’s that chivalrous, gentlemanly motion that nearly buckles my knees.
My vision is drowsy as my eyes fall to the front of his jeans where I see an enormous bulge.
I draw in a sharp breath and jerk my head back up to face forward, embarrassed by my own forwardness but unable to resist the thought: could his erection be because of me? 
Do not be a fool, Elf Penny.
Maybe he’s got some crazy elf kink or something.  Because no way a man like him would be interested in a pudgy elf like me.  Still, the thought of his enormous erection leaves me speechless and breathless as he guides us toward a table in the back of the sitting area that surrounds where Randall is already playing happily with another couple of boys about his own age.
“Sit,”  Malcolm orders and his bossy tone causes a shiver of delight wrestling through me.  It feels as if my bones are liquefying as I melt into the chair and wait for whatever comes next.
“Sitting,”  I manage as he takes a seat in front of me.  The same sort of position as yesterday, only this time he’s closer. His legs spread around as my knees nearly bump into his crotch.  I do everything in my power to avert my eyes from the fullness there, but at the same time as he sits, he lets out an uncomfortable chuff in his throat, and I can only imagine it must be difficult to bend something that hard and long.
Heat rises up my legs where they connect to his.  The same heartbeat that is deafening in my ears is also wildly distracting as it thumps between my legs.  My mouth is watering as well and I lick my lips as I try to make sense of what’s happening right now.
Malcolm sits quietly.  There’s a vibration growing in the empty space between us and my heart is thundering in my chest.
“What do you want to talk about?”  I blurt out, unable to stand the silence another moment.
He bites into his bottom lip.  Dark eyes fasten to me.  “Fuck.”  He bows his head then looks up at the ceiling, then back to me.
My belly tightens.  The muscles in my neck feel like metal cords ready to snap. 
“What?”  I lean in, compelled—even though he’s a near stranger—to relieve him of whatever the strain is I hear in his voice.  “Whatever it is, you can tell me.  I want to know.”
“Penny.”  He looks at me and I see the tangle of conflict in his eyes. “Just promise me, I won’t scare the shit out of you.”
I raise my eyebrows, wondering what it could be, but still deep in my heart wanting to know.
“Okay.  I promise.  As long as it doesn’t involve you decapitating me, dismembering me, or any other sort of felonious thing regarding me.”
A strained chuckle rumbles from him, and a genuine smile spreads up into his eyes.  Then he nods before he continues.  “My nephew didn’t even want to come here today.”
“Really?”  I blink, wondering what’s coming next.  Because I can feel most definitely something is coming next.
“Really.  I wanted to come.  To see you.”
I sit, silent, as he tightens his legs around mine and sends my nipples into points yet again.
He raises a hand to brush down where my hair rests against the side of my face, raising goosebumps all over my skin.
“That’s not completely true,”  he adds.  “The truth is, I came here to kiss you.  Because that’s all I’ve thought about. Are you ready for that?”


Oh I love Christmas and their stories. This one was perfect for the mood I was in. Malcolm Knight has a lot of stress and running a company by himself is something he was born to do. When he sees and Elf he can't imagine his life is about to take a turn. Penny has some issues that she keeps to herself. No one needs to know about what she does outside of work. The attraction is real, but can they make something of it or do they just come from 2 different worlds?

Since I was a little girl, I’ve made up stories. I would lay in my bed at night and before I knew what a trope was, I would make up these trope filled stories. Boy sees girl, boys falls for girl, boy saves girl….happily ever after. As I got older, the stories turned steamier and more intricate, but the basics never changed.

Now, my books are still full of romance but the naughty bits are naughtier, my hero’s are obsessed alpha types and my heroines are quirky, real women who come in all shapes and sizes.

So, sit back, banish the real world and get lost in some over the top romance with a heaping helping of hot. xoxoxo

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