The man’s on a mission. But that’s about to get derailed, bigtime.
Gruff ʼn tough pipeline worker Frank ‘Oil Can’ Frazier has saved up his hard-earned cash, jetting from Anchorage to the Riviera to mend a bitter rift with a buddy—or get a busted jaw for his efforts. Little does he dream that an overdue olive branch will have him falling hard for the dark-eyed beauty seated beside him with a tale of her own. When an in-flight emergency detours the plane to the middle of nowhere, an overnighter with Little Miss 14B beckons, and O.C.’s hot fantasies become reality. Looks like this bad boy’s rewriting his travel plans…
A grief-filled escape turns into a delicious adventure before her seatbelt is fastened.
Newly orphaned traveler Reina Vasava is sticking pins on a map, hopscotching around the globe in an all-out attempt to bury her sorrow. Her solo status upgrades to a most do-able double after she buckles in next to a burly mountain brooding in the window seat. This foulmouthed beardie is her alpha king personified, and an awkward flirtation swiftly morphs into what feels like the real deal. All’s fun in and out of the Mediterranean sun until an unsavory secret is revealed, and the merde hits the fan with a ‘splat!’
Can mistakes from the past be forgiven? Or will a perfect passion face the guillotine?
It’s all Rhett and Scarlett’s fault.
(Talkin' the grand staircase scene, people.)
Stung by the literary lovebug at a tender young age, JC has been devouring steamy romantic fiction ever since. Seriously… What could possibly be more delectable at the end of a rough day than a big, bad, moody male brought to his alphalicious knees by a gorgeous, sassy-talking heroine? Well, besides Tom Hardy showing up shirtless on your doorstep with car trouble.
Penning “I wish” fantasies while slogging through the woefully Rhett-scarce world, JC invites readers to indulge in decadent escape through her foul-mouthed and passion-saturated tales.
Uh. You did hear foul-mouthed, right?
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