Copyright 2023 @Dana Claire
The Freedom and its sailors were immune to the sea’s worst treacheries. With a crew composed mostly of women, we sailed any waters we wished, without fear of the vicious creatures known as sirens calling us to our deaths and consuming our hearts. We were two generations of salty females, skilled to fight pirates, steal treasures, and evade the songs of our enemy. Over the years, we’d become known as a refuge for women. We trained them, fed them, and gave them shelter when they had none. I’d grown up on this ship, yielding a sword at age nine, joining the crew at thirteen, and leading it at seventeen, after my father’s murder. The War of the Sea still affected us. Yes, we were immune to the seductresses below, and they hated us for it. They pilfered ships we pursued, killed the men we sought, and took treasures we coveted. In my darkest hours, I believed my lack of command had pitted the sirens against us. I couldn’t understand how my father had evaded them, and for that reason alone, Rylander’s offer piqued my interest, as much as I hated to admit it. “And what can you trade in return for our assistance?” I raised a brow. Rylander flexed the apples of his windburned cheeks. “What would you like, milady? Jewels? Gold? What riches do you fancy?” I matched his smirk with a snicker. The wheels in my mind spun an answer of retribution. “We can pilfer our own fortunes. I want a different reward.” I crossed my arms. “I want a man.” Rylander’s guttural laughter stirred the gulls. He tucked stray brown curls behind his ear. “I have hundreds of men who would love to lay their heads next to yours, Captain Lou.” He waved his hands around him. “You may have your pick.” “I choose the killer of my captain. His head severed by my hand and served on a platter to this crew.” I motioned to my female fleet. “Only then will we assist you in ending the War of the Sea.” Rylander’s mouth turned down, but it was young Lanard who asked the question. “How do you expect us to find the man who killed your last captain?” he snarled. “Do you even know his name?” I smiled, taking long-absent pleasure in breathing the name of my father’s killer. “Captain Rylander Bordeaux.”PRAISE FOR War of the Sea:
“Mesmerizing. Claire has crafted a romance that will leave you breathless in a world so vivid you can almost taste the salty sea air and hear the clash of swords.”- Jordan Bartlett, Author of The Frean Chronicles “When the world needed a swashbuckling adventure, Dana Claire stepped up to the plate and delivered. 10/10 would recommend.”—Michael Chirichella, Author of Deadly Nights On The Island “Claire does such a great job at capturing feelings and suspense. The story gets better and better with each turn of the page.” —Sara Stone, Author of Forgotten Witch “If you’re looking for romance with a touch of magic, piracy, and mythos, War of the Sea is definitely worth a look.”—Austin Worley, Author of Unsheathed: An Epic Fantasy Collection "Gripping and action packed, this story is dripping with high stakes and slow burn romance. You'll remember these characters long after you've turned the last page." --Book Of Matches MediaAbout Dana Claire

To celebrate this AMAZING Kickstarter Opportunity, Dana Claire would like to offer ONE LUCKY WINNER an Epic Prize: A voicemail from the War of the Sea, surprise narrators!This promotional event is brought to you by Indie Pen PR
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