
Title: Reality (The Life of Arie #1)

Author: Dani Hart

Genre: Paranormal Urban Fantasy YA

Release Date: September 23, 2013

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I am Arie Belle and up until my mother’s unexpected and mysterious death my life had been pretty simple, but then things 

became dark and, at times, hopeless. Even my uncanny ability to communicate with nature had turned its back on me. My only 

saving grace is my lifetime friendship with the boy next door, River, whom I had always thought of as my soul mate up until my 

eighteenth birthday when everything seemed to change. My body tingles with heightened sensations and my emotions veer 

out of control. They are further tested when Ashe, a beautiful stranger with a powerful draw, enters my life and challenges my 

heart and soul. Amidst the rush of feelings after years of numbness, my true destiny slowly unravels and my journey to find out 

what I am, to find my mother’s killer, and stop my own death becomes a frantic rush before the next full moon. 

This powerful story encaptures the true meaning of love and the dark corners of life that can either suck you in or save you.

Excerpt 1:

“I saw River staring at me as I watched the butterflies. I turned to him and got caught within the depths of his eyes. His stare 

bore deep into my soul. We sat like that for what seemed an eternity. My body burned from the inside out. My heart raced. My 

mind was anticipating what my body wanted. I couldn't think. All I could do was stare into his eyes, begging for him to feel the 

same way. The butterflies continued to circle around us, but they seemed to be fluttering faster as if they were anticipating the 

moment too. Right at the moment I thought my body was going to explode if something didn't happen, he took his hand and 

grazed the side of my face. His touch sent electric shocks through my cheek and down my body. His hand followed my jaw line 

and his thumb outlined my lips on its way to my neck. He gripped the back of my neck gently and leaned into me as he pulled 

my face toward his. He paused and looked into my eyes as if waiting for me to say no. I didn't think I could wait any longer for 

this moment to happen. My heart was pounding so hard I felt like I could barely breathe. The eternal pause ended and his lips 

brushed mine. I thought I was going to pass out as I inhaled him. How could one moment be so intense! He brushed his lips 

against mine for a few moments as if, again, waiting for me to protest. I couldn't handle it anymore. I pressed my lips against his 

and he responded back. I felt like that kissed lasted for hours. It was so soft and slow and perfect.” ~Reality

About the Author: 

I love reading and have my sister-in-law to thank for all the great finds! She’s deep into romance and supernatural and always sends the good stuff my way. I guess you can say she’s my reviewer/filter! Why supernatural for me? I don’t do reality. Let’s face it, we are surrounded by reality every day and I don’t need to immerse myself into it while reading too! I want the suspension of disbelief! I want to be taken somewhere else and know that it’s not real and is all in fun! 

I received my bachelor’s at USC in theatre with an unofficial minor in writing and I am currently in a post-graduate program at CSUCI working on my Math credential. And, yes, I did just say Math! Crazy, I know! Exhausting too! Only 1 more year until I can officially teach! 

My passions include reading and especially writing. Growing up I was the child in the corner reading alone like a little hermit. I guess they label it as anti-social these days. I also grew up writing in diaries, then poetry, then short stories. While at USC I wrote my first screenplay and post-graduation I was hired to write another screenplay, which I did successfully. I have since started several books, but have never had the courage or time to finish. That’s changing as of now! I missed it, but I had convinced myself I was too busy and it would be a waste of time. Really, I was just discouraged from my years in the industry and I was scared to go back. Then I started reading again and it sparked my passion and true calling. I started writing a story that had been brewing inside of me over the years. The characters were slowly developing and itching to break out onto paper. In the summer of 2011 I wrote the first chapter and started the second chapter. Then life got busy again and my passion was pushed aside. Sad right? Then I met an amazing person who loved my story and encouraged me to start writing again. With that said, I am in a happier place now. I am fulfilling my inner desire and passion to write. Thank you so much for your support! And I hope to keep the stories coming!!!

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Okay so here goes nothing about my review on Reality. First let me start off by saying that this genre is not something I would normally read. It is the reality of what is true and what is not, what we believe in and what we don't, and if our hearts can heal from the damage life brings us. I'm honestly not sure how this review will go as I replay what I have read but I can say that you never know what can happen when you read a book. This story is about Arie and how she comes to find out what her true nature is when things start happening at the age of 7. She has a best friend River who has been by her side since birth and are in love with one another. On her 16th birthday tragedy happens and forces Arie to hide inside herself. As the story continues strange things occur and Arie is having a hard time putting a handle on it. When she turns 18 things just fall apart and at this time she will find out things that will tear her heart apart. However what she finds can also help and heal her at the same time. If you love books that have some romance, mystery, and fairy tales than this book is for you.


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